Whigmaleeries & Wives' Tales
- Jason Lairamore is a writer of science fiction, fantasy, and horror who lives in Oklahoma with his beautiful wife and their three monstrously marvelous children. He is a published finalist of the 2012 SQ Mag annual contest, the winner of the 2013 Planetary Stories flash fiction contest, a third place winner of the 2015 SQ Mag annual contest, and a Writers of the Future contest Semi-Finalist. His work is both featured and forthcoming in over 80 publications to include Perihelion Science Fiction, Stupefying Stories and Third Flatiron publications, to name a few.
- Mike Adamson holds a Doctoral degree from Flinders University of South Australia. After early aspirations in art and writing, Mike returned to study and secured qualifications in both marine biology and archaeology. Mike has been a university educator since 2006, has worked in the replication of convincing ancient fossils, is a passionate photographer, a master-level hobbyist, and a journalist for international magazines. Short fiction sales include to Little Blue Marble, Weird Tales, Abyss and Apex, Daily Science Fiction, Compelling Science Fiction and Nature Futures. Mike has placed some 120 stories to date. You can catch up with his writing career at "The View From the Keyboard," http://mike-adamson.blogspot.com
- Dawn Vogel's academic background is in history, so it's not surprising that much of her fiction is set in earlier times. Her steampunk series, Brass and Glass, is published by Razorgirl Press. She lives in Seattle with her husband, author Jeremy Zimmerman, and their herd of cats. Visit her: http://historythatneverwas.com.
- James Rumpel is a retired high school math teacher who has greatly enjoyed using some of his free time trying to put some of the odd ideas circling his brain into words. He lives in Wisconsin with his wonderful wife. Mary. Together they enjoy camping, annoying their three adult children, and staring at each other waiting for someone to say something.
- Sharon Kae Reamer's speculative fiction is inspired by her participation in various archeoseismology projects during her twenty-something years as a senior scientist at the University of Cologne. Locations that include the Praetorium and medieval Jewish settlement in Cologne, ancient Tiryns in Greece, and Greek ruins in Selinunte, Sicily, provide perfect backdrops for creating fantasy stories rich with history and mythology.
In her home on the outskirts of Cologne, she also cooks daily (German-American), gardens (chaotically, at best), knits (badly), does needlepoint (rather well), and reads (everything) all the damn time.
And, of course, she has tuxedo cats.
More details available at www.sharonreamer.com.
- Mike Morgan was born in London and has lived and worked in Japan and the US. He is now based in Iowa, where he shares his never-ending quarantine with his wife, two children, and a very elderly cat. He's been lucky enough to have nearly 30 short stories published, including ones in the last two Best of British Science Fiction anthologies released by NewCon Press. Details about his writing can be found on his website: https://perpetualstateofmildpanic.wordpress.com
- Liz Michalski is the author of Evenfall. She reads fairy tales and sometimes writes them, because adults deserve magic too. lizmichalski.com
- Johannes Toivo Svensson has been making up stories for almost as long as he has been reading them. His mind is drawn to the odd and strange, and he has a love for things that shake his perceptions of the world. Currently, he is preparing for the inevitable collapse of society by studying software development, which he assumes will be somehow useful in the apocalyptic wasteland.
- Nicole Tanquary lives and works upstate New York State, where she pursues a PhD in Rhetoric and works part-time as an academic writing consultant. She has over thirty speculative fiction short stories available from a variety of publications, some of the most recent being Writers Resist, Note One of Us Magazine, and Crone Girls Press. When not writing or working, she likes to eat, sleep, follow mysterious trails into the woods, and play with her three adorable pet rats.
- Jay Caselberg is a writer whose work, poetry, short fiction, novels, has appeared around the world and been translated into several languages. From time to time, he gets shortlisted for awards.
- Delilah Night is the author of over a dozen short stories appearing in anthologies such as If Mom's Happy and Myths, Monsters, Mutations. Her first book, Capturing the Moment was published in 2016. Look for Comet's First Christmas—a sweet paranormal romance coming Christmas season 2020!
- Matt McHugh was born in suburban Pennsylvania, attended LaSalle University in Philadelphia, and after a few years as a Manhattanite, currently calls New Jersey home. Website: mattmchugh.com.
- Surrounded by gnomes, gargoyles and poisonous plants, KT Wagner writes speculative fiction in the garden of her home on the west coast of Canada. She enjoys day-dreaming and is a collector of strange plants, weird trivia and obscure tomes. KT's short stories are published in magazines and anthologies. She can be found on the web at www.northernlightsgothic.com and @KT_Wagner
- A.D. Black is a professor of neuroscience who writes fiction in his spare time. His stories have appeared in The Literary Hatchet, Jitter Press, and Tales to Terrify.
- Natalie Cannon is a historical fiction and urban fantasy writer who writes about the UK a lot for someone from California. A graduate of Fairleigh Dickinson University's MFA program, she currently lives in Pennsylvania with her partner and is findable @NMCannon on Twitter. Her queer werewolf game, Moonrise, is available at Choice of Games.
- Adam Slavny is an Associate Professor at the University of Warwick. He has published widely on issues of moral and legal philosophy, and his first academic book is forthcoming with Oxford University Press. More recently he has started writing fiction, and his first stories are forthcoming in Litbreak, Aggregate, Silver Blade, and Utopia Science Fiction.
- J9 Vaughn (she/they) lives in a town just outside of Chicago that has more dead people than living with her bestie, cats, bunnies, and various foster kittens. J9 has been published in Hair Trigger 2.0 and The WiFiles along with a few small collections of odd short stories. For almost a decade, she has been running a library-based open mic called The No Shush Salon and working at a Public Library even longer. She is currently in Grad school in order to become a real Librarian.
- Jamie Zaccaria is a wildlife biologist by trade and writer by pleasure. She currently works for a wild cat conservation organization and writes fiction in her spare time. Jamie grew up in New Jersey and went to school in Delaware and New York. She currently lives in New Jersey with her girlfriend, cats and pitbull.
- Michael Anthony Dioguardi would like to thank Karl for providing the inspiration for "Urraca Mesa."
Mike teaches and writes in upstate New York. You can find links to more of his published work here: https://michaeldioguardisciencefiction.tumblr.com
- Rebecca Gomez Farrell's replicator order is "Absinthe, one cube." Her first fantasy novel, Wings Unseen, was published by Meerkat Press. Her shorter works have appeared over two dozen times, in outlets including Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Helios Quarterly, and the Best Indie Speculative Fiction of 2019. She co-organizes chapters of Women Who Submit Lit, the Speculative Literature Foundation, and the East Bay Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Meetup Group. For over a decade, Becca has also been blogging on food and drink at theGourmez.com. Social Media: @theGourmez. Website: RebeccaGomezFarrell.com.
- David Rogers's poems, stories, and articles have appeared in various print and electronic publications, including The Comstock Review, Atlanta Review, Sky and Telescope, and Astronomy magazine. His latest work is Roots of the Dark Tower: The Long Quest and Many Lives of Roland, available from Amazon. More about David and his work can be found at Davidrogersbooks.wordpress.com.
- Jennifer Jeanne McArdle grew up in New York State and lived in South Korea for four years after graduating college. After that, she served in the Peace Corps in West Java, Indonesia. She currently resides in New York again and works in the nonprofit sector. You can read her story "A Tale Etched in Stone" in ParaAbnormal Magazine's September 2019 issue and follow her on Instagram @aerocrystal, where she posts just ok pictures and mildly interesting haikus, and you can send her pictures of ducks, if you want to spark joy.
- Robert Dawson teaches mathematics at a Nova Scotian university. When not teaching, doing research, or writing, he enjoys hiking, cycling, and reading. His stories have appeared in Nature Futures, Year's Best Military and Adventure SF, and Tesseracts.
- Michael Sherrin developed his preference for fiction when he learned reality didn't include a real Spider-Man. He has an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management, where he learned to write riveting Excel formulas, though the solutions were often predictable. By day, he works with complex analytical algorithms, and by night he works on short stories and his novel. Michael lives outside Boston with his husband, dog, and several thousand action figures.
- Ed Ahern resumed writing after forty odd years in foreign intelligence and international sales. He's had over two hundred fifty stories and poems published so far, and six books. Ed works the other side of writing at Bewildering Stories, where he sits on the review board and manages a posse of six review editors.
- Daniel Delgado is a Quechua writer and activist living on O'Odham lands near the US-Mexico border. He is working on an epic fantasy novel inspired by his people and the other Native peoples of the Americas. You can find him on Twitter @DDelgadoVive.
- Marta Pelrine-Bacon was born and raised on a long and winding road in the Florida boondocks. An author and artist now in Austin, Texas, Marta has had fiction published in 50 to 1, Flash Fiction Magazine, The Austin Review, Cabinet des Fees, The Enchanted Conversation, and Adelaide Literary Magazine. Her debut novel, The Blue Jar, was published by Plum Tree Books/UK and is available on Amazon. She still keeps an eye out for magic doorways and time travelers.
- Edward H. Parks is an aerospace engineer, photographer, and filmmaker. His short stories have appeared in various publications and his visual art is sold online. He currently lives in Virginia with his family and a small menagerie.
- In her early years, Susanne Hülsmann's father supplied her with science fiction novels, and her mother gave her a mechanical typewriter on which she bashed out her first stories. It should not surprise that she grew up to be a writer of speculative fiction. Having been dubbed the "wandering dictionary" by her English teacher, she decided to study the language and switched to English for both reading and writing. Susanne is an unashamed and unapologetic geek of many stripes, a lover of words and all things fantastic, and an anglophile who now happily resides in the UK.
- Kimber Camacho lives in California and has been married to the same wonderfully talented partner for a surprising number of years. She's been making up stories most of her life; from crayons on construction paper to word processing programs. A voracious reader, Kimber also enjoys a wide variety of music, and has dabbled in other artistic endeavors like drawing and sculpting.
- Cover Artist, Sara Chantland – www.sarachantland.com