- Narrelle M Harris writes crime, horror, fantasy and romance. Her 30+ works include vampire novels, erotic spy adventures, queer romance, traditional Holmesian mysteries, and Holmes/Watson romances, including The Adventure of the Colonial Boy (2016) and A Dream To Build a Kiss On (2018). In 2017, her ghost/crime story Jane won the "Body in the Library" prize at the Scarlet Stiletto
Awards. www.narrellemharris.com.
- Charlotte Frankel has been writing seriously for the past five years. Comedy and flash fiction are her particular passions. She lives in the North West of England, and in between all the writing tries to fit in working as a shop assistant.
- Born in rural western Kansas, Andrew Johnston discovered his Sinophilia while attending the University of Kansas. Subsequently, he has spent most of his adult life shuttling back and forth across the Pacific Ocean. He is currently based out of Hefei, Anhui province.
- Krystal Claxton is a lvl 1 Systems Engineer with unfortunate aspirations involving fiction, words, and publishing. Keep up with her at krystalclaxton.com and on twitter @krystalclaxton
- David Wright is a writer and teacher living on Canada's majestic west coast. He has a lovely wife, two sparkling daughters and more than 50 published short stories. His work has appeared in dozens
of magazines including Neo-opsis, Martian Wave and Over My
Dead Body! David's latest novels are available at Amazon and
Smashwords.com. Check out his interactive writers' workshop
at antimatterdreams.com.
- Dr. Sara L. Uckelman is an assistant professor of logic and philosophy of language at Durham University by day and a writer of speculative fiction by night. Her short stories are published or forthcoming in Pilcrow & Dagger and Story Seed Vault and anthologies published by Flame Tree Publishing, Hic Dragones, and WolfSinger Publications. She is also the co-founder of the reviews site
- Brenda Anderson's fiction has appeared in various places including Daily Science Fiction and Flash Fiction Online. She has a variety of
interests: in no particular order, Wagner's Ring Cycle, long solitary walks, involvement in her local (Baptist) church, and sunflowers.
Brenda lives in Adelaide, South Australia and tweets irregularly
- Erik Goldsmith has had stories published in Metaphorosis and their 2017 best of anthology, Scarlet Leaf, and he will be featured in an upcoming anthology by Dragon's Roost Press. He is an English
teacher living in San Antonio Texas.
- G.H. Finn is the pen-name of someone you are very unlikely to have heard of but who keeps his real identity secret anyway, possibly in
the forlorn hope of being mistaken for a superhero. He is of mixed European & Native American (Cherokee-Choctaw)
ancestry and for many years lived on one of the remote Isles of Orkney, off the Northern tip of the Scottish mainland. G. H. Finn has been an amateur strongman, a breeder of rare & endangered birds, a professional martial-arts instructor, a teacher of Northern European mythology, a bodyguard, a deep-sea diver, a computer programmer, a performance poet, a coach to world-record-breaking
athletes, a singer in a punk band, a massage therapist, a champion needleworker, an international currency smuggler, a consulting sorcerer and an elephant keeper. Three of these are total lies, the others are all true, but you'll have to guess for yourself which is
- Jacob Fletcher is a Canadian author who lives in Colorado with his wife and their two rambunctious cats. His work has appeared in Compostela
(Tesseracts Twenty) and he graduated from the University of
Manitoba with a degree in English. He and his wife, Anne, write novels together. Find him at 99percentdark.wordpress.com.
- Brett Petersen is a writer, musician and artist from Albany, New York whose high-functioning autism only enhances his creativity. He has a B.A. in English, and his short stories and poems have appeared in several print and electronic publications. He is currently
working on compiling his stories into his first book titled: Welcome to the Squid Universe. In addition to being a writer, he is the rhythm guitarist and singer/songwriter for sludge band Raziel's Tree, as well
as the drummer for classic rock band Blank Slate. Links to all of his creative projects including his artwork can be found at jellyfishentity.wordpress.com
- Pete Alex Harris is a software engineer and an avid reader and writer of mixed-genre science fiction, fantasy and horror. He has self-published a few books he wanted to read but nobody had written yet. He lives in Scotland, where the weather can reliably keep him indoors to get on with it.
- Damon L. Wakes was born in 1991 and began to write a few years later. He holds an MA in Creative and Critical Writing from the University of Winchester and a BA in English Literature from the University of Reading. He is the author of over 200 works of short fiction and upwards of one novel.
- Randall Arnold is a Texas-based speculative fiction writer who enjoys mangling genres and twisting tropes. Originally from California, he's
happiest at any beach, slacking in Denton, or chilling in Helsinki. Awards include 1st runner up in the 2017 Texas Observer fiction contest for "A Thunder Note in an Angry Sky", and runner-up in the 2017 Ouen Press "Taste" competition for "Taste of the Broken Sea" (latter available in the "Tasting Notes" anthology).
Randall too-frequently tweets as @texrat, and occasionally
remembers to blog at unsettled.space.
- William Delman's work has appeared in The Arcanist, Little Blue Marble, NewMyths.com, and many other fine publications. New work will soon be available from The Arcanist, Mythic, The
Centropic Oracle, Stupefying Stories, and others. He lives in The Witch City, Salem, MA, and when he's not writing you can find him on twitter at @DelmanWilliam, or on the mats at Fenix Brazilian Jujitsu West Peabody.
- Katherine Inskip teaches astrophysics for a living and spends her spare time populating the universe with worlds of her own. She is assistant editor for Cast of Wonders, the young adult genre fiction podcast, and is addicted to chocolate and Japanese logic puzzles.
- Caroline Misner lives in the beautiful Haliburton Highlands of Northern Ontario Canada where she continues to draw inspiration for her work. She is the author of the Young Adult fantasy series "The Daughters of Eldox". Her next novel, "The Spoon Asylum"
was just released in May of 2018 by Thistledown Press.
- Mike Adamson holds a PhD in archaeology from Flinders University of South Australia. After early aspirations in art and writing, Mike returned to study and secured degrees in both marine biology and archaeology. Mike currently lectures in anthropology, is
a passionate photographer, a master-level hobbyist and journalist for international magazines. Recent sales include to the anthologies Mind Candy Vol. I, Endless Apocalypse and Visions VII: Universe, and the magazines Daily SF, Compelling Science Fiction and Nature Futures. Mike has placed some sixty stories to date. Visit his website at dream-craft.com/mikeadamson.
- Gary Buller is an author from Manchester, England where he lives with his partner Lisa and daughters Holly and Evie. He grew up in the Peak District where hauntingly beautiful landscapes inspired
him to write. He is a huge fan of all things macabre, and loves a tale with a twist. He is an associate member of the Horror Writers Association.
Twitter: @garybuller
Website: www.garybuller.com
- Hazel Gold is a programmer, writer and game developer based out of Jerusalem, Israel. A life-long reader and fan of science fiction and fantasy, she writes prose, poetry and interactive fiction. She blogs about books, games and writing at hazelgold.net. Her short story
"Incubus" appeared in Capricious magazine in January 2018.
- Nicholas Stillman (stillmanscifi.com) writes science fiction with medical themes. His work has appeared in The Colored Lens, Helios
Quarterly Magazine, Liquid Imagination, The Centropic Oracle, Bards and Sages Quarterly, and Not One of Us.
- Cover Photographer Ara Kotchian – www.kotchiandigital.com/Bio/1/