- Ishmael A Soledad has read and watched science fiction since before he went to school and thought it was time to give back instead of just taking. His work has appeared in Aphelion, Antipodean SF, Far Cry Magazine, Just A Minor Malfunction, Planet Web Zine, Schlock! Webzine, and Short-story.me. He lives in Brisbane, Australia with his long-suffering wife and psychotic cat and is currently working on his first novel, due for release in 2020.
- Krystal Claxton is a lvl 1 Systems Engineer with unfortunate aspirations involving fiction, words, and publishing. Keep up with her at krystalclaxton.com and on twitter @krystalclaxton
- Damien Krsteski writes science fiction and develops software, and his stories can be found in Beneath
Ceaseless Skies, Metaphorosis, NewMyths, and The
Future Fire, among others. His online home is monochromewish.blogspot.com, and he tweets updates about his writing @monochromewish. He lives in Berlin.
- R. J. Howell is a writer, an artist, and a library assistant. She holds a BA in Fiction Writing from Columbia College Chicago and is currently working toward her MFA in Popular Fiction at Stonecoast. Her writing has been previously published in JayHenge Publishing's Unearthly Sleuths anthology. She's a firm believer in living a life well-read.
- Maria Duendi is a published author who currently lives in Manhattan with her husband, daughter, and two hermit crabs.
- Joe Vasicek is the author of more than twenty science fiction and fantasy books, including The Sword Keeper and the Star Wanderers series. As a young man, he studied Arabic and traveled across the Middle East and the Caucasus Mountains. He claims Utah as his home.
- J. R. Gershen-Siegel is a published author and Lambda Literary Award nominee (2014, Untrustworthy, under SF/F/Horror www.lambdaliterary.org/current-submissions/ ). She is also the winner of the Riverdale Avenue Books NaNoWriMo Contest of 2013. Her current project is a trilogy of works about Victorian Boston, called The Real Hub of the Universe. She lives in Boston with her husband and twice as many computers than they need.
- Mark David Adam lives on an island off the coast of British Columbia. When he is not foraging for edible and medicinal wild plants, playing funk guitar, or working at his day jobs, he's busy finishing his first novel. He has been published in Metaphorosis, Pulp Modern and in the anthology Hidden Menagerie.
- Mike Adamson holds a PhD in archaeology from Flinders University of South Australia. After early aspirations in art and writing, Mike returned to study and secured degrees in both marine biology and archaeology. Mike currently lectures in anthropology, is a passionate photographer, a master-level hobbyist and journalist for international magazines. Visit his website at dream-craft.com/mikeadamson.
- Douglas DiCicco is an author of speculative fiction of all kinds. He has been a prosecutor, a defense attorney, a teacher, a bingo caller, and a renaissance faire performer. He has a BA in History from UC Santa Cruz, a JD from UC Hastings, and an expired coupon for a half-price haircut. Douglas currently resides in the San Joaquin Valley with his brilliant wife, his amazing son, and his villainous cat.
- Margret Treiber resides in Southwest Florida and is employed as a systems analyst. When she is not working with technology or writing speculative fiction, she helps her birds break things for her spouse to fix.
Her short fiction has appeared in a number of publications. Links to her short fiction, novel and upcoming work can be found on her website at www.the-margret.com.
- Ethan Hedman is a speculative fiction writer from South Florida, the land of heat, humidity, and hurricanes. His stories can be found in a variety of publications including Tales of Ruma, Drabbledark, and Lucent Dreaming. His full bibliography is listed on EthanHedman.com. Writing aside, Ethan is a secular humanist who occasionally wreaks havoc on mechanized combatants with ELK Robotics, a local robot combat team.
- Damon L. Wakes was born in 1991 and began to write a few years later. He holds an MA in Creative and Critical Writing from the University of Winchester and a BA in English Literature from the University of Reading. He is the author of over 200 works of short fiction and upwards of one novel.
- E. V. Morozov has published academic philosophy, several rants about video games (including a couple of prize-winning letters), and a couple of short stories. "Jurisdiction" is his third published story.
- Maurice Forrester is a writer and software developer living in central New York. Like many people, he is obsessed with the current political climate. He originally wrote this piece in a fit of frustration over how the news was distracting him from writing, but he was encouraged to do more with it by his writing group. Recent publications include appearances in Middle Planet and Daily Science Fiction.
- Michael Seaholm is a software developer from Minneapolis, MN, who writes fiction in his spare time. He has previously written articles for a local alternative press during his undergraduate career in Wisconsin, along with some informal works. His interests beyond writing include game development, music, and retrocomputing.
- Mark Witmer holds a Master's degree in Sociology which informs his writing. He currently resides in Tallahassee, Florida with his wife and four kids, and works as an I.T. Manager. In his spare time he enjoys chess, philosophy, and playing Celtic mandolin.
- Lewis Gershom is a writer of speculative fiction. He writes about the issues he sees in his hometown of Brooklyn, New York. When not writing, he is a middle school English teacher.
- Laurence Raphael Brothers is a writer and technologist with five patents and a background in high-tech R&D. He has published stories in such magazines as Nature, PodCastle, the New Haven Review, and Galaxy's Edge. For more of his work linked online, visit laurencebrothers.com, or follow him on twitter: @lbrothers.
- Sarah Gribble physically resides somewhere in Ohio, but where her mind resides depends on the day. She writes sometimes. She bangs her head against the wall other times. Her short stories have been featured in a variety of online and print publications. You can find her on Facebook and @sarahstypos or connect with her at sarah-gribble.com.
- Paul Williams is a British writer living in Australia. He has over a hundred publications including the highly rated Jack the Ripper Suspects: The Definitive Guide and Encyclopedia. His fiction has appeared in magazines and anthologies, such as Trump Utopia, Ominous Realities and The Blackness Within. You can find out more, and read his weekly eclectic blog, at paulecwilliams.org.
- Wendy Nikel is a speculative fiction author with a degree in elementary education, a fondness for road trips, and a terrible habit of forgetting where she's left her cup of tea. Her short fiction has been published by Daily Science Fiction, Nature: Futures, and is forthcoming from Analog. Her time travel novella series, beginning with The Continuum, is available from World Weaver Press. For more info, visit wendynikel.com.
- Deepak Bharathan grew up on a staple diet of veggies + science fiction. His work has previously featured in various publications including Daily Science Fiction, Terraform [Vice Media], Allegory, Sci Phi Journal and science fiction anthology "Where the stars rise". When not imagining up stuff, he has published many times about technology in avenues like Consulting Magazine, CIO Update, Search CIO, PC Today, and CIO Decisions. His Philadelphia home is run by his two-year-old daughter. His wife and he are just along for the ride. It's a pretty good one though.
- Tris Matthews lives in London. By day, he works in science fact publishing, while by night, or at least late evening, he masquerades as a science fiction writer, among other things. His goal this year is to branch out with short stories in most main genres. Follow his progress at trismatthews.com.
- David Wright is a writer and teacher living on Canada's majestic west coast. He has a lovely wife, two sparkling daughters and more than 50 published short stories. His work has appeared in dozens
of magazines including Neo-opsis, Martian Wave and Over My
Dead Body! David has six novels on Amazon and
Smashwords.com, but his latest project is an indie website for emerging writers at antimatterdreams.com.
- Born in rural western Kansas, Andrew Johnston discovered his Sinophilia while attending the University of Kansas. Subsequently, he has spent most of his adult life shuttling back and forth across the Pacific Ocean. He is currently based out of Hefei, Anhui province.
- Fiction is just one way Emily J. Weisenberger tries to make sense of the current political landscape. On her blog Anthropolitical, Emily publishes social commentary and reviews books written by authors of diverse backgrounds. She is also a contributing editor for the American Anthropologist website, and graduated with a BA from the University of Virginia and with an MA from the University of South Florida. She's read 320 books in the past eight years.
- Nicholas Stillman (stillmanscifi.com) writes science fiction with medical themes. His work has appeared in The Colored Lens, Helios
Quarterly Magazine, Liquid Imagination, The Centropic Oracle, Bards and Sages Quarterly, Not One of Us, Silver Blade Magazine, and the Wavelengths anthology.
- John H. Dromey enjoys reading--mysteries in particular--and writing in a variety of genres. He's had short fiction published in Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine, Mystery Weekly Magazine, Stupefying Stories Showcase, and elsewhere, as well as in a number of anthologies including Chilling Horror Short Stories (Flame Tree Publishing, 2015).
- Austine Osas is a Nigerian writer who was an executive producer of the Kickstarter-backed Chronicles of the New Born and co-organizer of the Lagos Comic Con; whose writings have appeared on Africa.com, Africanwriter.com, Kalahari Review, AFREADA, 600 Second Saga, Bewildering Stories and Antipodean SF; and whose fantasy story "Under the Sun" is being turned to a comic series by Peda Comics based in Nigeria. You can catch him trekking the landscape of Abuja and Lagos documenting the lives of everyday people through his lenses.
- Matthew Schickele is a Queens-based writer of music and words: chamber music, songs, speculative fiction, opera, and electronic music. @Squidocto.
- Andrew Johnson was born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania and currently lives in northern Arizona. His fiction has been published in Tales of the Talesman and other Jayhenge anthologies such as Unearthly Sleuths and Phantasmical Contraptions and Other Errors. When not making up stories, telling tales or spinning yarns, he is an avid woodcarver and a published photographer.
- Sara lives on a lake in Massachusetts with a cat, Goose, who "edits" their work by deleting entire pages. Sara's debut novel, Power Surge, will be published by NineStar Press on Oct. 1, 2018. Find Sara online at saracodair.com or @shatteredsmooth.
- Alison Wilgus is a Brooklyn-based writer for comics and prose, with graphic novels both published and in the works about human spaceflight, aviation, and time travel (alas, not at the same time) from Tor and First Second Books. Her short fiction has previously appeared in Analog, Strange Horizons and Daily Science Fiction. She tweets as @AliWilgus and you can find many of her comics and stories at alisonwilgus.com.
- Cover Artist, Martina Stipan – www.facebook.com/t1naa