Titanic Terastructures
- Christopher R. Muscato is an adjunct professor and writer from Colorado, USA, and the former writer-in-residence for the High Plains Library District. He has published over a dozen short stories, but most of his time goes to raising his wonderful twins!
- Russell Nichols is a speculative fiction writer and endangered journalist. Raised in Richmond, California, he got rid of all his stuff in 2011 to live out of a backpack with his wife, vagabonding around the world ever since. Look for him at russellnichols.com.
- Laurel Beckley is a writer, Marine Corps veteran and librarian. She is from Oregon, and currently lives in northern Virginia with her wife, fur creatures and a collection of gently neglected houseplants. Her debut novel, That Distant Dream, is available from NineStar Press and Amazon. She can be found on twitter @laurelthereader and her blog, The Suspected Bibliophile (thesuspectedbibliophile.home.blog).
- Craig Russell's novel, Black Bottle Man won the Moonbeam gold medal for YA fantasy and was a Canadian Aurora Award finalist. His SF novel, Fragment was selected for the Yale University Climate Connections reading list and was shortlisted for the Michael Van Rooy Award. Craig grew up on a prairie farm with nine siblings and is now a retired lawyer living in Winnipeg, Canada.
- Jennifer R. Donohue grew up at the Jersey Shore and now lives in central New York with her husband and their Doberman. Her work has appeared in Apex, Escape Pod, Translunar Travelers' Lounge and elsewhere. Her Run With the Hunted novella series is available on most digital platforms. She tweets @AuthorizedMusin.
- By day, M. R. Parsons is an engineer who designs mechanical and fire protection systems. By evening, he is a personal chef to his wife (he reportedly makes a mean chicken taco). And by night, he becomes a writer, weaving his engineering and scientific knowledge into his tales. He is currently working on a sci-fi/thriller series involving the hazards of mixing emerging technologies with the human condition. Visit www.mrparsonsbooks.com for more information.
- Manda Benson is an ex-research scientist from the Midlands of England. She is the author of technothriller Pilgrennon's Beacon and its sequel The Emerald Forge, and a number of other novels for young people and adults.
- Johannes Svensson lives in Gothenburg, Sweden with his wife, daughter and cat. He was created from stardust at the beginning of time and will cease to exist shortly after the heat death of the universe.
This information is designed to make him feel approachable enough to be liked by a wide audience, but not approachable enough for that audience to actually approach him if they should happen to see him about town.
- Wendy Nikel is a speculative fiction author with a degree in elementary education, a fondness for road trips, and a terrible habit of forgetting where she's left her cup of tea. Her short fiction has been published by Analog, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Nature, and elsewhere. Her time travel novella series, beginning with The Continuum, is available from World Weaver Press. For more info, visit wendynikel.com
- Jonathan Sherwood has written about science and scientists for research universities for more than two decades, and written fiction for much longer. He holds a bachelors in science writing from Cornell University and a masters in English from the University of Rochester. His fiction has appeared in Asimov's, Analog, and others, and has been translated into Chinese, Czech, and Polish.
- Matthew Ross an English teacher living in Japan and a former Peace Corps Rwanda volunteer. When he's not writing, he's either reading anything sci-fi or horror, or playing Dungeons and Dragons with his friends. He credits his progress as a writer to his wife Lisa and her acceptance of his permanently messy workspace.
- Dan Piponi once wrote a science fiction story at the age of eight and after a hiatus of nearly 50 years he picked up the (virtual) pen again in order to write another. But he wasn't entirely idle between these bouts of composition. He wrote film visual effects software and was credited on movies including Event Horizon, The Matrix and Star Trek, receiving three Academy Awards for Scientific and Technical Achievement along the way. If the press is to believed, he also worked on a space elevator project at Google X. Find him on Twitter @sigfpe.
- Dr. Bunny McFadden (she/they) is a Chicana mother who tinkers with words for a living. In addition to being the winner of the 2021 Golden Ox and being published in horror & scifi anthologies, they've written widely in academia & hosted workshops on storytelling. They're the assistant editor of a magazine for incarcerated folks. Their website is DocBunny.com.
- Dennis Mombauer currently lives in Colombo, Sri Lanka, where he works on climate change and as a writer of speculative fiction, textual experiments, and poetry. He is co-publisher of a German magazine for experimental fiction and has published fiction and non-fiction in various magazines and anthologies. Please find more information here: dennismombauer.com.
- Andrew Gudgel has always loved words and playing with words. His fiction has appeared at Flash Fiction Online, Escape Pod, InterGalactic Medicine Show, Sci Phi Journal and other publications. He lives on the East Coast of the US, in an apartment slowly being consumed by books.
- Andrea M. Pawley lives and writes in Washington D.C.. She attended Clarion West in 2017 and blogs at www.andreapawley.com. For almost as many years as she's been alive, Andrea has wondered how the universe works and what's in the space where the universe isn't. "A Singular Event in the Fourth Dimension" was originally published in Asimov's Science Fiction.
- Brian is a member of the Glasgow Science Fiction Writers' Circle and has the bruises on his ego to prove it. He very much hopes that someone is looking over us, even if they're not as competent as a broken down AI.
Brian's writing can most recently be found in the anthology A Quiet Afternoon 2 and the magazines KZine and New Maps and he is mostly to be found on the Twitters having a rant about something @munchkinstein
- Mark Kirkbride is the author of The Plot Against Heaven, Game Changers of the Apocalypse and Satan's Fan Club, published by Omnium Gatherum. His stories can be found in Under the Bed, Sci Phi Journal, Disclaimer Magazine, Flash Fiction Magazine and So It Goes: The Literary Journal of the Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library. markkirkbride.com.
- Liam Hogan is an award winning short story writer, with stories in Best of British Science Fiction and in Best of British Fantasy (NewCon Press). He's been published by Analog, Daily Science Fiction, and Flame Tree Press, among others. He helps host Liars' League London, volunteers at the creative writing charity Ministry of Stories, and lives and avoids work in London. More details at happyendingnotguaranteed.blogspot.co.uk.
- Mike Morgan was born in London, but not in any of the interesting parts. He moved to Japan at the age of 30 and lived there for many years. Nowadays, he's based in Iowa, and enjoys family life with his wife and two young children. If you like his writing, be sure to follow him on Twitter where he goes by @CultTVMike or check out his website, PerpetualStateofMildPanic.wordpress.com.
- Al Onia is a retired geophysicist now writer living on Vancouver
Island with his wife, Sandra. His stories celebrate the transformation
of the individual, against a speculative background, into one who
risks their existence in an attempt to make a difference in their
world. Al's seventh published novel, The Third Redux, launched in
August, 2021.
Visit Al at: ajonia.com.
- David Wright is a writer and teacher living on Canada's majestic west coast. He has a lovely wife, two sparkling daughters and more than 50 published short stories. His work has appeared in dozens of magazines including Neo-opsis, Martian Wave and Over My Dead Body! Check out his website at: davidwright812.wordpress.com.
- Regina Clarke lives in the ancient terrain of the Hudson River Valley, not very far from where Rod Serling grew up. Her background at one time was in the field of IT, writing about subjects engineers wanted to explain, including virtual reality, military surveillance software, and augmented reality--some of these things have inspired her fiction. Her stories have appeared in T. Gene Davis's Speculative Blog, Mad Scientist Journal, Aurora Wolf, Alien Dimensions, Fifth Di, and MetaStellar, among others. Her fantasy novel MARI was a finalist in the ListenUp Audiobooks competition and three of her short stories have been featured on podcasts. You can see her books and story page, book trailer videos, and blog posts at her website: www.regina-clarke.com
- Barend Nieuwstraten III grew up and lives in Sydney, Australia, where he was born to Dutch and Indian immigrants. He has worked in film, short film, television, music, and online comics. He is now primarily working on a collection of stories set within a high fantasy world, a science fiction alternate future, as well as a steampunk storyverse, often dipping his toes in horror in the process. He is currently creating short stories and stand-alone novels while also working on an epic series.
- Born and raised in London, England, Richard de Silva's short stories have appeared in numerous publications including The River, Ripple and To Hull and Back. He has a degree in Creative Writing from Kingston University, where he has also lectured in scriptwriting. His editorial and communications career has seen him working in unexpected places, from cathedrals to military bases. When not writing, he is generally tolerated by his wife and two children at their home in Buckinghamshire.
- Gustavo Bondoni is a novelist and short story writer with over three hundred stories published in fifteen countries, in seven languages. He is a member of Codex and an Active Member of SFWA. His latest novel is Lost Island Rampage (2021). He has also published three other monster books: Ice Station: Death(2019), Jungle Lab Terror (2020) and Test Site Horror, three science fiction novels: Incursion (2017), Outside (2017) and Siege (2016) and an ebook novella entitled Branch. His short fiction is collected in Pale Reflection (2020), Off the Beaten Path (2019), Tenth Orbit and Other Faraway Places (2010) and Virtuoso and Other Stories (2011).
His website is at www.gustavobondoni.com
- Cover Art by Margaret Rainey adastrabookcovers@gmail.com