Sunshine Superhighway: Solar Sailings
- Jen Downes trained as a beautician and has worked as a copy editor, commercial artist and care-giver to the frail aged. After more than fifty years as an avid reader she now writes with the same enthusiasm. She traveled extensively in Alaska, Canada and the UK, and lived most of her life in and around the city of Adelaide, South Australia, where several future stories will be set. Jen's work has appeared in Analog, Shoreline of Infinity, Mythic, Dim Shores Presents, and others.
- Liam Hogan is an award winning short story writer, with stories in Best of British Science Fiction and in Best of British Fantasy (NewCon Press). He helps host Liars’ League London, volunteers at the creative writing charity Ministry of Stories, and lives and avoids work in London. More details at
- Jenny Blackford is an Australian poet and author, with stories and poems in Asimov's Science Fiction, Cosmos, Strange Horizons and more. She won two prizes in the 2016 Sisters in Crime Australia Scarlet Stiletto awards for a murder mystery set in classical Delphi, with water nymphs. Her spidery, ghostly middle-grade adventure The Girl in the Mirror won the Davitt Award for Best Children's Crime Novel.
- Jay Adair is an office worker and music instructor. His work has appeared in several publications and podcasts, including Chilling Tales for Dark Nights, Scare You to Sleep, and Hawk & Cleaver's The Other Stories. He is also a drummer and can be heard on recordings with Jon Creeden & The Flying Hellfish, Chad McCoy, and Just in Time. Visit his website for more on his writing and music at
- Joe Tankersley is a futurist and storyteller. He believes that creating better tomorrows begins
with changing the stories we tell about the future.
His work has appeared in Storyteller Journal, New Maps, Disruption Magazine,
Solutions, Conscious Company Magazine, Solarpunk Society Magazine,and the anthologies
Aftershock and Aftershocks and Opportunities. His short story, Gabby's First Kiss was a winner
of the 2021 Xtinction Rebellion Wordsmiths Storyteller Showcase.
Reimagining Our Tomorrows, Making Sure Your Future Doesn’t Suck, Joe’s collection of
speculative futures vignettes, was published in 2018.
Joe lives in Winter Springs, Florida, where he waits patiently for rising sea levels to
transform his suburban backyard into beachfront property.
He can be contacted @
- Danny Menter is an educator and writer working outside Chicago, Illinois. He is currently pursuing a MFA in fiction writing from Lindenwood University, and his work has been featured in Metaphorosis Magazine, Dark Horses, Crow and Cross Keys, and Flash Fiction Magazine.
- Novella Serena is an academic, artist and educator. Novella’s published short stories include “Cacie’s Prism,” in the anthology Love and Darker Passions by Double Dragon/Blood Moon, recorded by the podcast As the Flame Whispers, and “My Bogeyman,” in Tales in Firelight and Shadow, published by Double Dragon/Blood Moon. Novella is also the artist of the covers of The 1855 Murder Case of Missouri versus Celia: An Exercise in Historical Imagination (Favian Press), the 10th anniversary edition of Love and Darker Passions (Double Dragon), and Dante’s Inferno: A Wanderer in Hell (Double Dragon).
- Andrew Davis is a writer based in Cardiff. He writes a mix of prose and poetry, which has been published in anthologies and online journals by independent publishers including Bending Genres, Fictive Dream and 365 Tomorrows.
- Christopher R. Muscato is a writer from Colorado, USA. He is the former writer-in-residence for the High Plains Library District, with fiction appearing in Solarpunk Magazine, Little Blue Marble, and NonProfit Quarterly, among other places.
- Michael Paige's work has been included in several literary magazines such as The Furious Gazelle, The Scarlet Leaf Review, MetaStellar, Midnight Magazine, The Horror Zine, as well as printed and digital anthologies for Savage Realms Press, Crimson Pinnacle Press, Ill-Advised Records, Gravelight Press, October Nights Press, Media Macabre, Little Red Bird Publishing, Chilling Tales for Dark Nights, Culture Cult, Skywatcher Press, and also a charity anthology for Great Lakes Association of Horror Writers (GLAHW).
- Brittni Brinn (she/her) writes science fiction from a tower and sometimes a cottage in Mi’kma’ki/Nova Scotia, Canada. Her short fiction appears in At the Lighthouse anthology (Eibonvale Press) and the Your Flight Has Been Cancelled anthology (Little Ghosts Books). Her post-apocalyptic trilogy, the Patch Project series, is available through Adventure Worlds Press. Read more at
- Glen Engel-Cox has lived in Texas, California, Malaysia, Ohio, Saudi Arabia, and Washington (both state and District of Columbia), working as a country radio DJ, bank clerk, legal secretary, database manager, library assistant, technical writer, computer programmer, adjunct English teacher, and communication consultant. He earned an MFA with honors from American University. Glen has published a novel, Darwin’s Daughter; a non-fiction compilation, First Impressions; and short fiction in LatineLit, Utopia, Nature, Triangulation, Factor Four, SFS Stories, and others.
- Doctor Terryl Asla is Head Archivist, Emporium et Bazar Interdimensionnel, Earth/Alpha/T10, as
well as an award-winning journalist and writer. His work in this dimension has appeared in other
JayHenge anthologies, including Joining Forces and The Back Forty.
"I am partial to Swedish publishers in this dimension," Doctor Asla explained. "That said, it is one of
the interesting anomalies of inter-dimensional travel that stories and images published in other
dimensions remain, even after the author, or their minion, has returned whence they came."
\centerline{SPECIAL THANKS}
To Scout Ajax Stottelmeyer, and editors Jessica Augustsson and Kem Hansson who have
helped spread my stories across the Dimensions.
- Zary Fekete grew up in Hungary. Zary has a novelette (In the Beginning) out from ELJ Publications and a debut novella being published in early 2024 with DarkWinter Lit Press. Zary enjoys books, podcasts, and many many many films. Twitter and Instagram: @ZaryFekete.
- Helen French is a writer, book hoarder and TV-soaker-upper who grew up in Merseyside near the coast and now lives in Hertfordshire, UK with her family. Her short stories have appeared in venues such as Flash Fiction Online, Shoreline of Infinity and Factor Four Magazine, and she is currently buried in novel writing. You can find her online at
- Stephen Kotowych is a winner of the Writers of the Future Grand Prize, Spain’s Premi Ictineu, and is a two-time finalist for Canada’s Aurora Award. His stories have appeared in Interzone, IGMS, numerous anthologies, and been translated into a dozen languages. His first collection of short stories, Seven Against Tomorrow, is available now and he is the series editor for Year's Best Canadian Fantasy and Science Fiction. He hosts a podcast about the life and times of Nikola Tesla, and enjoys guitar, tropical fish, and writing about himself in the third person. Visit his website at
- James Rumpel is a retired high school math teacher who enjoys spending some of his free time trying to turn the odd ideas circling his brain into actual stories. He lives in Wisconsin with his wonderful wife, Mary.
- Michael Stevens is an Irish writer and musician whose stories have previously appeared in HyphenPunk, Andromeda Spaceways, and Honest Ulsterman. He lives in Dublin where he divides his time between spending time with his young family, reading speculative fiction, opening doors for furry creatures, and bashing on the guitar with his band. He finds writing fiction to be just as much fun as songwriting, but with the added benefit that it doesn't involve carrying amplifiers and trying to hear oneself over the drummer. Find out more at @mikestevens72.
- Devan Barlow is the author of An Uncommon Curse, a novel of fairy tales and musical theatre. Her short fiction and poetry have appeared in several anthologies and magazines including Solarpunk Magazine and Diabolical Plots. She can be found at her website or on Bluesky She reads voraciously, and can often be found hanging out with her dog, drinking tea, and thinking about sea monsters.
- Samuel Finn is a retired emergency physician living in Seattle, WA. He self-published a medical/psychological thriller, Heartbeat, with and available online. He is currently writing a three (possibly four) volume sci-fi series titled The Hope, and has a couple short stories recently published. He, his family and dog Milo enjoy the many recreational opportunities of the Pacific Northwest.
- Charles Chin was born in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Raised by scientist parents to be a scientist himself, he needed a creative outlet to offset the rigid worldview of doctoral degrees and data science. He still writes about science, but on his own terms. Should you come across Charles in the wild, know that he prefers rum over whiskey.
- Aaron Emmel’s stories have appeared in Fireside Magazine, Daily Science Fiction, Starship Sofa and many other excellent magazines and anthologies. He also writes essays, graphic novels and interactive fiction. Find him online at and on Threads at @aaronjemmel.
- Jennifer Lee Rossman (they/them) is a queer, disabled, and autistic author and editor from the land of carousels and Rod Serling. They are one of the editors of Mighty: An Anthology Of Disabled Superheroes, and their queer reincarnation thriller novel Blue Incarnations is now available. Find more of their work on their website and follow them on Twitter @JenLRossman.
- Mike Adamson holds a Doctoral degree from Flinders University of South Australia. After early aspirations in art and writing, Mike returned to study and secured qualifications in marine biology and archaeology. Mike was a university educator from 2006 to 2018, is a passionate photographer, master-level hobbyist and journalist for international magazines.
- Monica Joyce Evans is a digital game scholar and designer who also writes speculative fiction. Her short fiction has appeared in multiple publications including Analog, Escape Pod, Nature: Futures, and Flash Fiction Online. She lives in North Texas with her husband, two daughters, and approximately ten million books. You can find her at
- A.N. Myers is a London UK based writer of speculative fiction. His recent short fiction credits include The Best of British Science Fiction, BFS Horizons, Sein Und Werden, and the Dragon Soul Press Anthology ‘Honor’. His flash fiction has appeared in Flash Frontier, Bag of Bones, 101 Fiction, and the ‘Valentine’ Anthology published by Black Hare Press. His YA science fiction novel, 'The Ides' is available from Amazon.
- Mike Morgan was born in London, but not in any of the interesting parts. He moved to Japan at the age of 30 and lived there for many years. Nowadays, he's based in Iowa, and enjoys family life with his wife and two young children. If you like his writing, be sure to check out his website,
- Wendy Nikel is a speculative fiction author with a degree in elementary education, a fondness for road trips, and a terrible habit of forgetting where she's left her cup of tea. Her short fiction has been published by Analog, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Nature, and elsewhere. Her time travel novella series, beginning with The Continuum, is available from World Weaver Press. For more info, visit
- Gustavo Bondoni is a novelist and short story writer with over three hundred stories published in fifteen countries, in seven languages. He is a member of Codex and an Active Member of SFWA. His latest science fiction novel is Splinter (2021), a sequel to his 2017 novel Outside. He has also published four monster books: Ice Station: Death (2019), Jungle Lab Terror (2020), Test Site Horror (2020) and Lost Island Rampage (2021), two other science fiction novels: Incursion (2017) and Siege (2016) and an ebook novella entitled Branch.
- Tom Brannon is the pen name of Irish-American author Tom Sigafoos. His creative nonfiction and short stories have appeared in The Quiet Quarter Anthology: Ten Years of Great Irish Writing, Crannog Literary Magazine and many other publications. He is the author of The Cursing Stone, an Irish historical novel based on the shipwreck of the British gunboat HMS Wasp during the Irish Land Wars. For additional information see
- Holly Schofield travels through time at the rate of one second per second, oscillating between the alternate realities of city and country life. Her speculative fiction has appeared in many publications including Analog, Lightspeed, and Escape Pod, is used in university curricula, and has been translated into multiple languages. She hopes to save the world through science fiction and homegrown heritage tomatoes. \newline Find her at
- J. A. Legg is originally from Oshawa, Ontario, and he holds a degree in English and Creative Writing from the University of Windsor. He's been published in, On The Premises, and Metaphorosis, as well as anthologies like From the Corner of Your Eye, Antares Vol. 1, Heart of a Man, and Strange Religion. In 2016 he received Honourable Mention from L. Ron Hubbard's Writers of the Future contest. Currently, he teaches high school and middle school at a private school in South Asia, where he has lived for several years. You can follow him on Twitter at @TheJordanLegg.
- Alyse Winters lives and writes in New England, where she is happiest going for walks in her local cemetery. When not writing, she enjoys epic fantasy, period dramas, and arguing with her cat.
- E.E. King is an award-winning painter, performer, writer, and naturalist. She’ll do anything that won’t pay the bills, especially if it involves animals.
Check out paintings, writing, musings, and books at: and