Sensory Perceptions
- Delilah Night is the author of more than a dozen short stories. She has appeared in such anthologies as Intrepid Horizons, If Mom's Happy, and Coming Together: Strange Shifters. Her novella, Capturing the Moment, has been called "the perfect balance between sex and romance." In 2016, she edited her first anthology, Coming Together: Under the Mistletoe. Find out more at
- Ken MacGregor has been writing since he could hold a crayon, and getting
paid for it since 2012. His work has appeared in dozens of
anthologies and magazines. He has two story collections: An
Aberrant Mind, and Sex, Gore & Millipedes. He is a member of
HWA and the Great Lakes Association of Horror Writers
(GLAHW). He has also written TV commercials, sketch
comedy, a music video, and a zombie movie. He is the
Managing Editor of Anthologies for LVP Publications.
When not writing, Ken drives the bookmobile for his local
library. He lives with his kids, two cats, and the ashes of his
- Author and artist Jordan Castillo Price writes paranormal scifi
thrillers colored by her time in the Midwest, from inner city
Chicago, to various cities across southern Wisconsin. She's
settled in a 1910 Cape Cod near Lake Michigan with tons of
character and a plethora of bizarre spiders. Any disembodied
noises, she's decided, will be blamed on the ice maker. Jordan
is best known as the author of the PsyCop series, an unfolding
tale of paranormal mystery and suspense starring Victor
Bayne, a gay medium who's plagued by ghostly visitations.
Don't miss a thing! Sign up for JCP News:
Jordan Castillo Price
- Sara Lansing has long been fascinated by speculative fiction
and is a great fan of the action genre, which typically blend in
her writing to present a gritty, functional universe. Sara has
been a writer off and on most of her life, with two novels on
the now-defunct Dreamcraft label, and spent several years as
moderator of the old GLBT Bookshelf website.
- Jay Caselberg is an Australian writer based in Germany. His
work, poetry, short stories, novels, has appeared around the
world and in several languages, generally with a bit of a dark
edge and sometimes under different names. More can be
found at
- Lena Crittenden is a writer and artist. She began writing as a
child and leans toward genre fiction, having published mainly
science fiction and fantasy stories and poetry. When she's not
painting or writing, she looks after a disabled cat and two part
time dogs.
- Andrew Marinus is a writer of horror, humor, science, science
fiction, noir, fantasy, and on occasion erotica. He is a student
at a BC university in the midst of a teacher's strike, due to
Administration being nearly as bureaucratically despicable as
this story's antagonist. Andrew is ever on the lookout for
Thomas Pynchon at @AndrewMarinus
- Ethan Nahté is an author, journalist, screenwriter,
photographer, musician, and has several years of experience
working in TV/Film/Radio. He has over thirty published
stories and poems spanning speculative fiction, historical
fiction, comedy, pulp and young adult. He has two story
collections: Of Monsters & Madmen and The Undead Ate My
Head plus the novellas The Savage Caged and Wings of Mercury.
- Kimber Camacho lives in California and has been married to the same
wonderfully talented partner for a surprising number of years.
She's been making up stories most of her life; from crayons
on construction paper to word processing programs. A
voracious reader, Kimber also enjoys a wide variety of music,
and has dabbled in other artistic endeavors like drawing and
sculpting. She regularly participates in writing-oriented AO3,
Dreamwidth, Facebook, and Tumblr communities.
- Michael Seaholm is a software developer from Minneapolis,
MN, who writes fiction in his spare time. He has previously
written for a short story anthology, as well as for a local
alternative press during his undergraduate career in
Wisconsin. His interests beyond writing include game
development, music, and retrocomputing.
- Daniel Loring Keating grew up in post-Industrial New
England, where he earned a BA in Creative Writing from
Chester College of New England. He has an MFA in Creative
Writing at the California College of the Arts, where he was
the Managing Editor of Eleven Eleven Journal. His speculative
work has appeared in Strange Fictions 'Zine, the Transmundane
Press anthology, Transcendent, and the Hawk & Cleaver horror
- Gustavo Bondoni is an Argentine writer with over two
hundred stories published in fourteen countries, in seven
languages. His latest books are Ice Station: Death (2019) and The
Malakiad (2018). He has also published three science fiction
novels: Incursion (2017), Outside (2017) and Siege (2016) and an
ebook novella entitled Branch. His short fiction is collected in
Tenth Orbit and Other Faraway Places (2010) and Virtuoso and
Other Stories (2011).
- Margret Treiber is a writer and an editor for the speculative
fiction humor magazine, Sci-Fi Lampoon. When she is not
writing or working at her day job with technology, she helps
her birds break things for her spouse to fix.
Her fiction has appeared in a number of publications. Links
to her short stories, novels, and upcoming work can be found
on her website at and
on Amazon at
- Stephen R. Smith realized early in life that his path was going to
be forever engaged in the business of the future. From
creating in code, to imagining possible tomorrows in prose,
the future is never far away. The founder of a successful
consulting and software development company, and an avid
programmer and technophile, Stephen is equally fluent in the
language of humans, and that of machines. In his spare time,
Stephen speaks of himself in the third person, writes, and is
the keeper of the keys for, a Science
Fiction website featuring a new piece of flash fiction daily that
has been on the wire since 2005.
- Stephen Pimentel writes science fiction and fantasy, mostly
short stories. He lives with his wife in the San Francisco Bay
Area, where he works as a software engineer at Apple. Before
moving to California, he worked for a technology startup near
Washington, D.C. He has worked on various aspects of
artificial intelligence (AI) throughout his career.
- Jason Masters holds degrees in English and Anthropology,
and came to writing following a university elective topic on
the subject. A life-long science fiction devotee, he enjoys
blending future worlds with a healthy appetite for the erotic.
Jason is a big fan of rugby and motorsport.
- Jaap Boekestein (1968) is an award-winning Dutch writer of
science fiction, fantasy, horror, thrillers and whatever takes his
fancy. He usually writes his stories in trains, coffeehouses and
in the 16th century taverns of his native The Hague, the
Netherlands. Over the years he has made his living as a
bouncer, working for a detective agency and the Justice
- Laurence Raphael Brothers is a science fiction and fantasy
writer and a technologist. His WWI-era fantasy novel
Twilight Patrol was just published by Alban Lake, and his
urban fantasy novella The Demons of Wall Street is coming in the
spring of 2020 from Mirror World. For more of his
stories that can be read or listened to online, visit bibliography and follow him
on twitter: @lbrothers.
- Lael Braday married her digital pen pal, and together they have crisscrossed
the vast and gorgeous United States several times and
resided in multiple states. She wants to live in the library in
Dun Laoghaire, Ireland; it has a cafe, art gallery, history
museum, and symphony hall. Her work can be found in
various anthologies, including those by Clarendon House
Publishing. She is the only Lael Braday in the universe, easily
found on Facebook, Twitter, and her own website
- Randall is a Texas-based speculative fiction writer who enjoys
mangling genres and twisting tropes. Originally from
California, he's happiest at any beach, slacking around the
DFW area, or chilling in Helsinki. He's had several short
stories published since 2015, including The Case of the Lonely
Mote in JayHenge's Wavelengths anthology.
Randall too-frequently tweets as @texrat, and occasionally
remembers to update his author page at
- Graham J. Darling ( of
Vancouver, Canada breeds singular hybrids of diamond-hard
Science Fiction, mythopoeic Fantasy and unearthly Horror.
His stories have peered out from Sword & Mythos and Pulp
Literature, and snarfed Second Prize in the National Fantasy
Fan Federation (N3F) Short Story Contest. A research
chemist and occasional alchemist, he enjoys long walks on
twilit beaches, prodding ambiguous carcasses, turning over
rocks to glimpse fanged worms scuttle away on many tiny
legs. He is unmarried.
- J. L. Royce is an author of science fiction and macabre stories
who strays (when left unattended) into noir, horror, and nongenre
fiction. He resides in the United States upper Midwest,
where he listens for inspiration from the coyotes and owls.
- Samantha Trisken is a hobby writer who has discovered that
the method for keeping her sanity is also considered
entertaining by others. If it's not about the supernatural or
espionage, she can be found indulging in romance. That is,
unless it's one of those not-so-rare occasions when she
combines all three.
Sam can be found practicing prose as Erlenmeyerkat on
Deviant Art.
- Clark Roberts writes horror fiction which has appeared in
over twenty publications. He lives in Michigan with his wife
and two children where he enjoys spending time in the
outdoors hunting and fishing. He particularly enjoys fishing
in the hours of dusk when trout streams whisper, and eyes
open in the surrounding woods. For your kids, you might
want to order a copy of his 5-star reviewed novella Halloween
Night on Monster Island; the book is intended for a younger
audience and is available from Amazon!
- Sandra Bond lives in south London. An SF fan and reader for
all her adult life, she abandoned a legal career to work in craft
brewing, and is all the happier for it. Finding she now had
time for serious writing, her first short story Electric
Midnight appeared in Jayhenge's anthology Pioneers and
Pathfinders, and her debut novel The Psychopath Club will appear
from Canal Press in 2020. The brewers are awfully patient
with all her nonsense.
- R.K. Nickel works as a screenwriter in Los Angeles. His first
feature film, Bear with Us, is available on Amazon Prime and
DVD, and his second, "Stellar People" is slated to be released
sometime soon. He dove into his prose journey in 2017, and
since then has subjected unsuspecting readers to a fair number
of his stories. When he's not writing, he's probably playing an
escape room or some Magic the Gathering. Or drinking
coffee. For more, check out @russnickel on
Twitter or
- A.R. Collins lives in south-east England with a cat whom she
loves more than anything. She reads children's classics,
accumulates vintage toys and supports the World Wildlife
Fund. She earns her living by teaching and tutoring English
from autumn to spring, and by marking hundreds of exams in
the summer. She also occasionally updates her writing website
- Cover Artist, Blazej Duliniec –