Phantom Thieves & Sagacious Scoundrels
- Wendy Nikel is a speculative fiction author with a degree in elementary education, a fondness for road trips, and a terrible habit of forgetting where she's left her cup of tea. Her short fiction has been published by Analog, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Nature, and elsewhere. Her time travel novella series, beginning with The Continuum, is available from World Weaver Press. For more info, visit
- Hailing from a massive family (both immediate and extended, here in the States, Mexico, Italy, and Cuba), Mark DiStefano writes contemporary speculative fiction. He also enjoys writing television and film screenplays with his twin brother John.
- Eve Morton lives in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada with her partner and two sons. She spends the days running after those boys and the nights brainstorming her next creative project. At some point, she writes things down, usually while drinking copious amounts of coffee. Find updates at
- The antivillain known as Jasiah Witkofsky is an independent author, editor, philosopher-gardener, artistic dabbler, rock n' roller, and rabblerouser dwelling amidst the majestic Sierra Nevadas of Northern California. His works can be found on both hemispheres of the globe, three continents, from several anthology companies.
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- Simon Kewin is an award-winning writer of fantasy and sci/fi, with over 400 publications to his name. He's the author of the Cloven Land fantasy trilogy, cyberpunk thriller The Genehunter, steampunk Gormenghast saga Engn, the Triple Stars sci/fi trilogy and the Office of the Witchfinder General books, published by Elsewhen Press. He's the author of several short story collections, with his shorter fiction appearing in Analog, Nature and many other magazines. His novel Dead Star was an SPSFC award semi-finalist and his short story \#buttonsinweirdplaces was shortlisted for a Utopia award. His novella The Clockwork King won Tales by Moonlight Editor's Prize in 2022. Find him at
- Mike Adamson holds a Doctoral degree from Flinders University of South Australia. After early aspirations in art and writing, Mike returned to study and secured qualifications in marine biology and archaeology. Mike has been a university educator since 2006, is a passionate photographer, master-level hobbyist and journalist for international magazines.
- Maureen Bowden is a Liverpudlian, living with her musician husband in North Wales. She has had 170 stories and poems accepted by paying markets, she was nominated for the 2015 international Pushcart Prize, and in 2019 Hiraeth Books published an anthology of her stories, Whispers of Magic. She also writes song lyrics, mostly comic political satire, set to traditional melodies, which her husband has performed in folk music clubs throughout the UK. She loves her family and friends, rock 'n' roll, Shakespeare, and cats.
- Gustavo Bondoni is a novelist and short story writer with over three hundred stories published in fifteen countries, in seven languages. He is a member of Codex and an Active Member of SFWA. His latest novel is a dark historic fantasy entitled The Swords of Rasna (2022). He has also published five science fiction novels, four monster books and a thriller entitled Timeless.
- James Edward O'Brien grew up in North Jersey in the US, where he graduated from Dungeons & Dragons and punk rock to modernist lit and weird fiction. His work has recently appeared in The Deadlands, On Spec, and JayHenge's Joining Forces anthology. Follow Jim on Twitter @UnagiYojimbo.
- Brenda Anderson's fiction has appeared in various places, including Daily Science Fiction and Wyngraf. She lives in Adelaide, South Australia and tweets irregularly @CinnamonShops. Interests include reading, movies and all things quirky.
- The antivillain known as Jasiah Witkofsky is an independent author, editor, philosopher-gardener, artistic dabbler, rock n' roller, and rabblerouser dwelling amidst the majestic Sierra Nevadas of Northern California. His works can be found on both hemispheres of the globe, three continents, from several anthology companies.
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- Joseph Welch writes speculative fiction, including fantasy, science fiction and horror. "Hosted" will be published in the anthology Nemesis in 2023 by Wicked Taxidermy Press. "My Friend Princess" was published February 2021 in Birds Have Teeth. A native of Seattle, Washington, Joseph's other interests include computer programming, translating Japanese manga, running, and playing keyboards.
- In her early teens, Susanne's father supplied her with science fiction novels, and her mother gave her a mechanical typewriter on which she bashed out her first stories. It should not surprise that she grew up to be a writer of speculative fiction. Having been dubbed the "wandering dictionary" by her English teacher, she decided to study the language and switched to English for both reading and writing. Susanne is an unashamed and unapologetic geek of many stripes, a lover of words and all things fantastic, and an anglophile who now happily resides in the UK.
- Laurence Raphael Brothers is a writer and a technologist. He has published over 40 short stories in such magazines as Nature, PodCastle, and Galaxy's Edge. His noir urban fantasy novellas "The Demons of Wall Street", "The Demons of the Square Mile", and "The Demons of Chiyoda" are available from Mirror World Publishing and his novel "The World's Shattered Shell" is published by Water Dragon Publishing. Pronouns: he/him.
- Roan Dorn lives and writes in rural Germany, swapping story ideas with his writer wife over breakfast or in her witch garden. He spends every available minute on horseback in the woods, where his characters are liable to ambush him and demand to be written. His work usually centres around various subgenres of fiction and science fiction.
He can be found on
- Robert Bagnall lives in Devon, England. He is the author of the novel "2084—the Meschera Bandwidth" and the anthology "24 0s & a 2", which collects 24 of his 60 or so published stories. Both are available from Amazon. Three of his stories have also appeared in the annual Best of British Science Fiction anthologies. He can be contacted via his blog at
- Robert Walton retired from teaching after thirty-six years of service at San Lorenzo Middle School. He is a lifelong rock climber and mountaineer with ascents in Yosemite and Pinnacles National Park. He’s an experienced writer with published works including historical fiction, science fiction, fantasy, and poetry. His Civil War novel Dawn Drums won the 2014 New Mexico Book Awards Tony Hillerman Prize for best fiction. Most recently, his “Mansa Musa’s Wisdom” was published in Cricket Media’s February, 2022 issue of Spider magazine.
- Eric Farrell lives in Long Beach, California, where he works as a beer vendor by day, and speculative fiction author by night. His writing credits stem from a career in journalism, where he reported for a host of local and metro newspapers in the greater Los Angeles area. He posts on Twitter @stygianspace, and has fiction in Aphotic Realm, Haven Spec, and HyphenPunk.
- Angus McIntyre's space-opera novella "The Warrior Within" was published by in 2018. His short fiction has appeared in a number of magazines, including Abyss & Apex, Factor Four, SciPhi Journal and Exterus, and anthologies including Trenchcoats, Towers & Trolls, Ride the Star Wind, Humanity 2.0, Mission: Tomorrow. For more information, see his website at
- Lennart Augustsson has a day job involving an obscure programming language called Haskell. He is a great admirer of Asimov’s very short stories. He lives with his wife and cats in Sweden.
- Mike Morgan was born in London, but not in any of the interesting parts. He moved to Japan at the age of 30 and lived there for many years. Nowadays, he's based in Iowa, and enjoys family life with his wife and two young children. If you like his writing, be sure to check out his website,
- Cover Art by Maximillian Kennedy &emdash;