Pioneers & Pathfinders
- Sandra Bond was born long ago and far away; specifically, in Stoke on Trent, the home of many another cracked pot. After a brief inglorious spell as an academic librarian, she fought her way through law school to discover that the destination was not more fun than the journey. Having fought the law for several years, the law won; she escaped from a law firm which later crashed and burned spectacularly, by which time she found herself working in the craft beer racket, and finally in a position where she had some spare time for her constant love of writing. Her first novel, a dark thriller called The Psychopath Club, is forthcoming from Canal Press.
- Katherine Quevedo was born and raised just outside of Portland, Oregon, where she works as an analysis manager and lives with her husband and two sons. Her fiction has appeared in Factor Four Magazine, Apparition Literary Magazine, Triangulation: Appetites, and elsewhere. When she isn't writing, she enjoys watching movies, singing, playing old-school video games, belly dancing, and making spreadsheets.
- Rebecca Ou is a Taiwanese-American writer and editor living in Los Angeles, California. She strives to write stories that reflect the many facets of her identity: her Chinese heritage, her Taiwanese upbringing, and her American identity, as well as her science background and love for the writing craft. Rebecca has been writing since elementary school, where her creative writing projects were twice as long as her classmates'. She has since learned to be more concise.
- Aimee Ogden is a former science teacher and software tester; now she writes about sad astronauts, angry princesses, and dead gods. Her work has appeared in Fireside, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Analog, and more. She also co-edits Translunar Travelers Lounge, a zine of fun and optimistic speculative fiction.
- E. V. Morozova has published academic philosophy, several rants about video games (including a couple of prize-winning letters), and a few short stories, which can be found @Morozov_writer
- Gwen C. Katz is an author, artist, game designer and retired mad scientist who lives in Altadena, CA with her husband and a revolving door of transient animals. Her first novel, Among the Red Stars, tells the story of Russia's famed female pilots, the Night Witches.
- Krystal Claxton (she/her) is a lvl 1 Systems Engineer with unfortunate aspirations involving fiction, words, and publishing. Keep up with her at and on twitter @krystalclaxton
- Lucia Iglesias holds a B.A. from Brown University and is pursuing her MFA in Fiction at the University of Kansas. Her speculative fiction has appeared in Shimmer, Liquid Imagination, Flash Fiction Magazine, Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores, and other publications.
- Linda H. Codega is a queer author and a current editor for Luna Station Quarterly. They have been published in Helios Quarterly, Luna Station Quarterly, and Dark Moon Digest. Inspired by magical realism and speculative fiction, their work often comments on climate change, pop culture, and social justice.
- Inspired by the enchanted mountains of Asheville, North Carolina outside her windows, Grace Sabella is passionate about telling stories that challenge the imagination. She's on a perpetual quest for adventure and the South's best fried chicken. In her free time, she and can be found between the shelves of her favorite book stores and comic shops, attending conventions, and studying the latest subject that's captivated her curiosity.
- Kai Hudson lives in sunny California where she writes, hikes, and spends entirely too much time daydreaming of far-off worlds. Her work has appeared in Clarkesworld, PseudoPod, PodCastle, Anathema: Spec from the Margins, and other fine places. Find her at
- K.G. Anderson is a Seattle-based writer, cat-herder and purveyor of uncommon sense. She worked on the launch of the iTunes Music Store and currently writes for a wide range of lifestyle and technology publications. Her short fiction has appeared in publications including Weirdbook, Factor Four Magazine, Far-Fetched Fables and StarShipSofa. K.G. attended the Viable Paradise and Taos Toolbox workshops. Find her at or @writerway.
- Naomi Libicki is an immigrant and sometimes she feels like an alien. She lives with her husband and son in Jerusalem, and makes a mean apple strudel.
- Wendy S. Delmater has been editor of the Hugo-nominated online magazine, Abyss & Apex, since 2006. She is also the editor of The Best of Abyss & Apex, Volumes 1 through 3. Her recent publication credits include short stories in the Fantasy for the Throne anthology, Stranger Fictions, and Altered Reality. You can visit her Amazon Author page, or follow her on Facebook—or Twitter where she's known as @safewrite.
- Dr. Sara L. Uckelman is an assistant professor of logic and philosophy of language at Durham University. Her short stories are published in Manawaker Studio Flash Fiction Podcast, Pilcrow & Dagger, Story Seed Vault, and The Martian Wave, and anthologies published by Exterus, Flame Tree Publishing, Hic Dragones, Jayhenge Publishing, QueerSciFi, and WolfSinger Publications. She is also the co-founder of the reviews site This story was written for her daughter.
- C.L. Holland is a British writer of science fiction and fantasy, and has been published in magazines and anthologies such as Daily Science Fiction, Cats in Space, and most recently Nature. She has a BA in English with Creative Writing, and MA in English, and likes to learn things for fun. When not working or writing she can be found making jewellery and reading about history, folklore, or browsing Twitter as @clhollandwriter. Her website is
- Charlotte H. Lee lives in a small town close to Vancouver, British Columbia in Canada. She has been writing for fun since her teen years and decided to pursue it seriously in 2014. She is a semi-retired accountant with two grown children who have inherited her love of storytelling. Short stories get completed but novels seem to take longer. Progress continues. You can find links to her published work at
- Holly Schofield travels through time at the rate of one second per second, oscillating between the alternate realities of city and country life. Her short stories have appeared in Analog, Lightspeed, Escape Pod, and many other publications throughout the world. She hopes to save the world through science fiction and homegrown heritage tomatoes. Find her at
- Cover Artist, Kim Myatt –