Other Days
- Brandon Nolta is a writer, editor, and professional curmudgeon living in the transportation-challenged wilds of north Idaho. After earning an MFA, he went slightly mad. Nothing much happened with that, so he gave it up and started working for respectable companies again, which he still does when he's not pounding away at the keyboard to the sweet strains of Miles Davis and the occasional burst of EDM. His fiction and poetry have appeared in Stupefying Stories, The Pedestal Magazine, Every Day Fiction, Perihelion, Strong Verse, and a cacophony of other publications. Iron and Smoke, which will be published by Montag Press in 2014, is his first novel; he has yet to admit to a second.
- Robert Young – Author of the Auctoratus series set in Ancient Rome, Egypt and New York City; Robert Young resides in the relative calm of a sleepy little West Yorkshire village nine miles from the comparative metropolis of Leeds.
Born in MCMLXV, Robert has spent the last six years travelling the wonders of the old Empires such as the Colosseum, Ephesus, the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Valley of the Kings. And because no Author Bio would be complete without making mention of a cat... Robert's is called Cleopatra!
- Chris Reynaga is a recipient of both a Bazzanella Literary Award and Writers of the Future Award, and has stories appearing in The Book of Cthulhu 2, GigaNotoSaurus, The Drabblecast, and The American River Literary Review. You can enter his magical reality at www.ChristopherReynaga.com.
- Delilah Night (delilahnight.com) is an American Expat living abroad in Singapore. She may not miss cold New England winters, but she misses Target. Her short stories can be found in Rogue Hearts, Coming Together: Keeping Warm, Coming Together: Strange Shifters, and Nine to Five Fantasies among others. Her first novella, Capturing the Moment, will be published by Totally Bound in early 2016--check her website for details.
- Jennifer Silverwood was raised deep in the heart of Texas and has been spinning yarns a mile high since childhood. In her spare time she reads and writes and tries to sustain her wanderlust, whether it's the Carpathian Mountains in Transylvania, the highlands of Ecuador or a road trip to the next town. Always on the lookout for her next adventure, in print or reality, she dreams of one day proving to the masses that everything really is better in Texas. She is the author of the Heaven's Edge series, Stay, Silver Hollow and Craving Beauty.
- Johannes Toivo Svensson has been making up stories for almost as long as he has been reading them. His mind is drawn to the odd and strange and he has a love for things that shake our perceptions of the world. Alongside his day-job, as application support in an office, he free-lances as a literary consultant (which is like a consulting detective in almost no ways at all). He lives in Sweden with his wife and their two cats, at least one of which he suspects to be plotting against him.
- Kimber Camacho lives in California and has been married to the same wonderfully talented partner for a surprising number of years. She's been making up stories most of her life; from crayons on construction paper to word processing programs. A voracious reader, Kimber also enjoys a wide variety of music, and has dabbled in other artistic endeavors like drawing and sculpting. She regularly participates in writing-oriented AO3, Dreamwidth, LiveJournal, and Tumblr communities.
- Marguerite Croft is a recovering anthropologist, writer and mother who lives along the Northern California coast with her husband, writer Christopher Reynaga. She is a graduate of the Clarion West Writers Workshop and has had fiction appear in lovely places like Scattered, Covered, Smothered and Say.... Marguerite has narrated for the Escape Pod, Podcastle and Pseudopod podcasts, and she performed the audiobook narration of Tim Pratt's The Strange Adventures of Rangergirl. You can follow her online at www.MargueriteCroft.com and on Twitter as @MargueriteCroft.
- Melissa Swanepoel lives in Austin, TX and has trouble writing 3-4 sentence bios about herself. She much prefers stringing together less realistic sentences about people that do not exist. Melissa lives with too many plants and sounds regrettably foreign no matter where she goes.
- Sharon Brown has been writing stories since she was nine years old, and avoiding fun houses since she was ten. She likes to overdose on British television dramas and feed the neighbors with as many home-baked cookies as they can stomach. Sharon lives in Virginia with her husband, son, and cat.
- Susanne Hülsmann – In her early teens, Susanne's father supplied her with science fiction novels, and her mother gave her a mechanical typewriter on which she bashed out her first stories. It should not surprise that she grew up to be a writer of speculative fiction. Having been dubbed the "wandering dictionary" by her English teacher, she decided to study the language and switched to English for both reading and writing. Susanne is an unashamed and unapologetic geek of many stripes, a lover of words and all things fantastic, and an anglophile who now happily resides in the UK.
- Tim Koch is the author of I Town, a novel about a society that walks on treadwheels to generate electricity. He lives in Fayetteville, Arkansas, where he writes speculative fiction for young adults and new adults and enjoys architectural drafting, computer graphics and web design.