Myths, Monsters, Mutations
- Kimber Camacho lives in California and has been married to the same wonderfully talented partner for a surprising number of years. She's been making up stories most of her life; from crayons on construction paper to word processing programs. A voracious
reader, Kimber also enjoys a wide variety of music, and has dabbled in other artistic endeavors like drawing and sculpting. She regularly
participates in writing-oriented AO3, Dreamwidth, and Tumblr
She has had short stories published in anthologies by
Circlet Press ( and JayHenge Publishing
(, all of which can be found on her author's page (
- Stephen Smith realized early in life that his path was going to be forever engaged in the business of the future. From creating in code, to imagining possible tomorrows in prose, the future is never far away. The founder of a successful consulting and software development company, and an avid programmer and technophile, Stephen is equally fluent in the language of men, and that of machines. In his spare time, Stephen speaks of himself in the third person, and maintains, featuring a new piece of flash fiction daily, on the wire since 2005.
- N.R.M. Roshak lives and writes in Ottawa, Canada, with a spouse, a young child, an elderly cat, and a revolving menagerie of Things In Jars. The author cordially invites you to drop by
- Brandon Nolta is a writer, editor, tech geek and connoisseur of procrastination. He inhabits the Pacific Northwest, much like
Sasquatch or the fabled tree octopus, and occasionally sends out a rambling screed or two. His fiction, poetry and other scribblings have appeared in Stupefying Stories, Digital Science Fiction, Mad Scientist
Review, and many others. His first novel, Iron and Smoke, was
published in 2015 by Montag Press.
- Ariel Ptak is an artist and writer with a deep love for the legendary and fantastic. She has been previously published in Spellbound and Prairie Winds literary journals. More of her work can be found on Wattpad (
- Delilah Night is the author of more than a dozen short stories. She has appeared in such anthologies as Intrepid Horizons, If Mom's Happy, and Coming Together: Strange Shifters. Her novella,
Capturing the Moment, has been called "the perfect balance
between sex and romance." In 2016, she edited her first anthology, Coming Together: Under the Mistletoe. Find out more
- G Grim is a London-based librarian who still can't quite believe they pay her to play with rare books. After several years living in the
imaginary world of re-enactment, she decided to start writing about people living in other imaginary worlds. Her flash fiction can also be found on 365 Tomorrows.
- Andrew Johnson was born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania and currently lives in northern Arizona. To date, his fiction has been published in magazines like Tales of the Talesman and Nebula Rift. In addition to writing, he is also an avid photographer and woodcarver.
- Jay Knioum is a Community College administrator, graphic design and part-time writer—which part, he's still not entirely sure—living
in Corpus Christi, Texas. He has contributed pieces to Dragon
Magazine and the Sci-Fi Flash-Fiction site 365tomorrows.
- C. A. Harland started drawing from the moment she could hold a pencil. With a head full of characters, it seemed only natural to sketch them out. It wasn't until years later that she also started writing them down and turning them into stories. In 2012 she completed a Fiction Writing course. It is through the support of the fellow writers from this course that her debut novel Sol.Terra was completed.
- Karl Egerton writes fiction as an escape from his work in academia and publishing. This is the third time one of his short pieces has appeared in print, and he is currently working on his first novel. At
the moment he lives in the UK, in Oxford, on a boat.
- Petter Skult is a hobbyist writer and professional word-wrangler, working in academia, translation and game design when not writing
either very, very short fiction, or moderately long fiction.
- Niki Kools is a Dutch artist and writer with a thing for Jugendstil. She currently has no cats, which is sad. Her artwork can be found
- Damon L. Wakes was born in 1991 and began to write a few years later. He holds an MA in Creative and Critical Writing from the University of Winchester, and a BA in English Literature from the University of Reading.
Every year since 2012, Damon has produced one work of flash fiction each and every day during the month of July. He usually writes humour and horror, occasionally at the same time. Tackling so many stories with such a short word count has given him a knack for well structured narratives formed of tight prose.
- Shondra Snodderly hails from historic Saint Joseph, Missouri. When
she isn't busy managing a chaotic household or baking sweet treats to share with her friends, she can be found wrestling various story
ideas onto the page. Her other works can be read on Smashwords
and listened to on Youtube. She has also been published in the
anthologies Phantasmical Contraptions and Other Errors and Unearthly
- G. Deyke is an indie author of games, novels, short stories, flash fiction, and the occasional poem. They will write anything from humor to horror to fairy tales, but have a particular penchant for
speculative fiction. They currently reside in a small village in southern Germany, and can be found online at:
- Jaap Boekestein (1968) is an award winning Dutch writer of science fiction, fantasy, horror, thrillers and whatever takes his fancy. Five novels and almost three hundred of his stories have been published.
He has made his living as a bouncer, working for a detective agency and as editor. He currently works for the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice. His English publications include stories in: Cyäegha, NonBinary Review, Strange Shifters, Lovecraft after Dark, Surreal
Nightmares, Urban Temples of Cthulhu and Sirens Call 27.
- Chris Brecheen lives in the San Francisco Bay Area where he is also a nanny and a pet sitter when he's not writing (and often while he is). He runs a blog at, where he posts his fiction along with much other shenanigans. Currently he is working
on his first novel (to be available for free online).
- A.R. Collins lives in England, and teaches English language and literature to small groups of teenagers, a job which she loves. Exposed to children's classics from a young age, she has always loved stories, and wanted to write her own before she learned how to write. Her writing website and blog can be found at
- G.H. Finn keeps his real identity secret, possibly in the forlorn hope of one day being mistaken for a superhero.
Having written non-fiction for many years, G. H. Finn decided to start submitting short-stories to publishers in 2015 and was flabbergasted when the first story he'd ever submitted was selected.
Since then he has had a wide range of fiction published and especially enjoys mixing genres in his work, including mystery, horror, steampunk, dark comedy, detective, supernatural, speculative, folkloric, Cthulhu mythos, sci-fi, spy-fi, crime and urban fantasy.
- Mike Adamson holds a PhD in archaeology from Flinders
University of South Australia. After early aspirations in art and writing, Mike returned to study and secured degrees in both marine biology and archaeology. Mike currently lectures in anthropology, is
a passionate photographer, a master-level hobbyist and journalist for international magazines. Visit his website at
- Lori Tiron-Pandit is a writer of Romanian extraction with a diverse background in editing, translation, and communication. Her work
explores women's lives and universes, with the legends, dreams, horrors, and labors that shape them. Lori Tiron-Pandit selfpublished her first novel, Spell of Blindness, and is currently working on a second, much darker book. You can find out more about her work at
- Samantha Trisken is a hobby writer who has discovered that the method for keeping her sanity is also considered entertaining by others. If it's not about the supernatural or espionage, she can be found indulging in romance. That is unless it's one of those not-so-rare occasions when she combines all three. Sam can be found
practicing prose as Erlenmeyerkat on deviantArt.
- Will Reierson is a reader, writer, and part time dragon tamer. He lives in British Columbia, Canada, with his dog Rosie who has a
taste for alfalfa. Will is currently working on finishing his first full book, and he
hopes to turn writing into a full time career as dragons are mean.
- J.D. Buffington lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma with his wife and daughter and their two cats and two dogs. Turning nightmares into stories is his passion. Or maybe Star Wars is...either way, if it's pushing imagination, he's waiting at the deadline.
- Narrelle M Harris's 30+ works of fiction have been published in Australia, US and UK. Award nominations include Fly By Night (Ned Kelly Awards), Witch Honour and Witch Faith (George Turner Prize), Walking Shadows ( Chronos Awards; Davitt Awards) and Jane (Scarlet Stiletto Awards). Genres include vampire novels, erotic spy adventures, queer romance, traditional Holmesian mysteries, and the Holmes/Watson romance The Adventure of the Colonial Boy. Queer paranormal thriller-romance, Ravenfall, was
released in 2017.
- Kaleen Hird is a sci-fi, fantasy writer living in Los Angeles, California with her husband. When not writing short stories and novels, she is
an avid gamer and fan of Dungeons & Dragons. She also may have an unhealthy obsession with large cups of coffee.
- In her early teens, Susanne Hülsmann's father supplied her with science fiction novels, and her mother gave her a mechanical typewriter on which she bashed out her first stories. It should not surprise that she grew
up to be a writer of speculative fiction. Having been dubbed the
"wandering dictionary" by her English teacher, she decided to study the language and switched to English for both reading and
writing. Susanne is an unashamed and unapologetic geek of many
stripes, a lover of words and all things fantastic, and an Anglophile who now happily resides in the UK.
- Charlotte Frankel has been writing seriously for the past five years. Comedy and flash fiction are her particular passions. She lives in the North West of England, and in between all the writing tries to fit in working as a shop assistant.
- Rosalind Alenko is currently a student in the Masters program for Educational Leadership at Cal State East Bay and has a bachelor's from the University of Texas at Austin in Radio, Television, and Film. Though she spent most of her life shuttling around the East
Coast and southern states of the U.S. she currently calls the Bay
Area home. She's had her work adapted into a short film script
which got an Honorable Mention in the California International
Short Films contest for 2014. Between work and school, she spends her free time as an admin for a deviantArt literature group and publishes chapter fictions online.
- Ville Meriläinen is a Finnish university student. His short fiction has won the Writers of the Future award, and has appeared in various venues online and in print. His musical fantasy novel, Ghost Notes,
can be found on
- Thomas Webb is a short story author, essayist, and novelist. He's a prior service Marine who resides in Richmond, VA, with his wife
and two children. When he's not spending time with his family or
writing, Thomas enjoys lifting weights, running, and choking his friends via the fine art of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
- Cover Illustrator Tais Teng –;