Joining Forces
- Holly Schofield travels through time at the rate of one second per second, oscillating between the alternate realities of city and country life. Her speculative fiction has appeared in many publications including Analog, Lightspeed, and Escape Pod, is used in university curricula, and has been translated into multiple languages. She hopes to save the world through science fiction and homegrown heritage tomatoes. Find her at
- L. Chan hails from Singapore. He spends most of his time wrangling a team of two dogs, Mr Luka and Mr Telly. His work has appeared in places like Clarkesworld, Translunar Travellers Lounge, Podcastle, the Dark and he was a finalist for the 2020 Eugie Foster Memorial Award. He tweets occasionally @lchanwrites
- Wendy Nikel is a speculative fiction author with a degree in elementary education, a fondness for road trips, and a terrible habit of forgetting where she's left her cup of tea. Her short fiction has been published by Analog, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Nature, and elsewhere. Her time travel novella series, beginning with The Continuum, is available from World Weaver Press. For more info, visit
- Michael Harris is a freelance writer and emerging fiction author based near Washington, DC. This is the second time one of his stories has appeared in a JayHenge anthology. The first, "The Sunrise Party," was published in Sunshine Superhighway. Stop by if you ever want to chat.
- T.M. Asla is of Basque descent and his fiction often focuses on Basque characters in historical
settings. In 1877, the cheek-by-jowl, mining towns of Galena and Empire City were bitter rivals; a
rivalry that eventually ended in violence when Empire City leaders tried to build a wall between the
two towns. Basque emigrants were there, too, often shepherding the large flocks of Merino sheep—prized for the quality of their wool—that were raised in Kansas and Missouri at the time.
- Gustavo Bondoni is a novelist and short story writer with over three hundred stories published in fifteen countries, in seven languages. He is a member of Codex and an Active Member of SFWA. His latest novel is Test Site Horror (2020). He has also published two other monster books: Ice Station: Death(2019) and Jungle Lab Terror (2020), three science fiction novels: Incursion (2017), Outside (2017) and Siege (2016) and an ebook novella entitled Branch. His short fiction is collected in Pale Reflection (2020), Off the Beaten Path (2019), Tenth Orbit and Other Faraway Places (2010) and Virtuoso and Other Stories (2011).
In 2019, Gustavo was awarded second place in the Jim Baen Memorial Contest and in 2018 he received a Judges Commendation (and second place) in The James White Award. He was also a 2019 finalist in the Writers of the Future Contest.
His website is at
- Simone Oldman Green is a genre-fluid writer and editor living in the Kingdom of Fife with husband, John. Author of over 70 published works with imprints including Dragon Soul Press, Black Hare Press and Eerie River Publishing. They also won 3rd Place in the British Fantasy Society’s Short Story Contest 2018. Writer, vegan, martial artist, gamer, occasionally a terrible person (but only to fictional people).
- Craig Bowlsby has published recent short stories in the mags Neo-opsis, (2); Polar Borealis; and Aethlon, the sports literature magazine. He has also placed a recent story on the Tall-Tale T.V. podcast; and in the previous decade, Craig wrote 3 stories for Lynda Williams’ continuing Okal Rel far-future sci-fi universe.
Craig is also working on a detective/thriller novel that takes place in 1917 in Shanghai. Stay tuned!
- Lisa Timpf is a retired HR and communications professional who lives in Simcoe, Ontario, Canada. Her speculative fiction has appeared in New Myths, Third Flatiron, Bards and Sages Quarterly, From a Cat’s View, and other venues. Her speculative fiction/romance novelette, To Push Back the Darkness, was released by JMS Books LLC in March, 2021. You can learn more about Lisa's writing at
- Patrick F. Murphy lives in the suburbs of Columbus, Ohio, with his partner and their pup. When he is not writing, reading, or playing tabletop games, he is employed as a graphic designer by a national engineering firm. He has had short stories published in Kaleidoscope: Lenses on Reality, the Midwest Literary Magazine webzine, Zombiality: A Queer Bent on the Undead, and Full Moon and Howlin: A Werewolf Anthology. He also self-published a middle-grade science fiction adventure trilogy comprised of Attack of the Dinosaur Zombies, Howl of the Robot Werewolves, and Return of the Undead Cavemen.
- Alexandra Grabbe's recent work has appeared in the Washington Post, New World Writing, and Unity Magazine. She is revising a novel. More can be found at
- Geoff Hart (he/him) works as a scientific editor, specializing in helping scientists who have English as their second language publish their research. He also writes fiction in his spare time, and has sold 35 stories thus far. Visit him online at . "Brown's Descent" first appeared in A Higher Power and Other Stories (
Brown's Descent is loosely based on the poem of the same title by Robert Frost.
- Rose Strickman is a fantasy, science fiction and horror writer living in Seattle, Washington. Her work has appeared in anthologies such as Sword and Sorceress 32, Air: Sylphs, Spirits & Swan Maidens and COLP: Underground, as well as online e-zines such as Feed Your Monster, Enchanted Conversation and Luna Station Quarterly. She has also self-published several novellas on Amazon. Connect at or see her Amazon page at
- A native Midwesterner, Larry Bastian's interests beyond writing range from classical guitar and bonsai to kayaking and weight training. While his taste in reading varies widely, he's drawn to humor and fantasy fiction in particular. His writing credits include short stories appearing in the anthologies The Rattlesnake Valley Sampler and Lost and Found: An Anthology, and Creative Wisconsin magazine, Volume 2. He's also read two short stories as humor podcasts.
Living in the shadow of the Mississippi River bluffs, Terri Karsten has wide-ranging interests in history, cookery, travel, and the outdoors. Her writing is equally diverse, ranging from historical fiction novels to picture book folktales, with a good sprinkling of fantasy thrown in. To find out more about Terri, visit her website at
- Jeanne Kramer-Smyth (she/her/hers) has been writing since she first got her hands on a typewriter at age 9. She is currently an archivist by day and a writer, artist, and fan of board games by night. She lives in Maryland with her husband, son, and two cats. You can learn more about her at
- Tea drinker and historian, Shae Davidson has served as a museum director, toy shop clerk, and college professor. His work has appeared in a range of periodicals including Daily Science Fiction and Protodimension Magazine. You can find some of his gaming experiments at
- James Edward O'Brien grew up in North Jersey in the US, where he graduated from Dungeons \& Dragons and punk rock to modernist lit and weird fiction. His work has recently appeared in Dread Imaginings, Unnerving Magazine, and on the StarShipSofa podcast. Follow Jim on Twitter @UnagiYojimbo.
- J.B. Toner studied Literature at Thomas More College and holds a black belt in Ohana Kilohana Kenpo-Jujitsu. He has published two novels, Whisper Music and The Shoreless Sea, with more on the way. Toner lives and works in Massachusetts with his beloved wife and their daughters Sonya Magdalena and Rebecca Eowyn.
- Hannah Hulbert is a full-time mum and part-time writer from the south coast of England. She enjoys looking for mushrooms, doings crafts, and drinking tea, especially when she is supposed to be writing. You can find her stories in Metaphorosis, Lunar Station Quarterly and the anthology Cat Ladies of the Apocalypse, among others.
- Besides publications in professional journals, "A Deal with the Devil" is Holly Mara’s third story co-published with John Mara. John is a 2020 Pushcart Prize nominee and 2020 Best of the Net nominee. Holly and John often attract mortified glances in restaurants, where they too often discuss fantasy characters and plots.
- Mike Morgan was born in London, but not in any of the interesting parts. He moved to Japan at the age of 30 and lived there for many years. Nowadays, he's based in Iowa, and enjoys family life with his wife and two young children. If you like his writing, be sure to follow him on Twitter where he goes by @ultTVMike or check out his website,
- E. C. Bogosian is a native of Southern California, who grew up with a deep love for all types of fantastic storytelling, which in turn inspired her to become a storyteller herself. After achieving a degree in Creative Writing, she channels that passion both into hobbies such as tabletop roleplaying games, and her professional goal of becoming a bestselling author. In her spare time, she gardens, bakes, and practices both yoga and krav maga.
- Xan van Rooyen is a non-binary genderqueer author from South Africa, now calling Finland home. Their short fiction can be found in the likes of Three-Lobed Burning Eye, Daily Science Fiction, and The Colored Lens among others. You can hang out with Xan on Instagram (@Xan_Writer) or Twitter (@Xan_Writer).
- Andrew Paul Grell, at 61 an "emerging writer," author of SCAPEGOATS: The Goat Protocol, lives in a park in Manhattan with his wife (the one of us with actual degrees in writing) and our Maltipoo, Cyrus King of Persia. In addition to scapegoats, Grell’s Biblical Science Fiction work has appeared in several religious journals (Enheduanna and Alpha One, etc) admittedly as the comic relief, and assorted anthologies (Grumpy Old Gods, Tall Tales and Short Stories, etc). He gets everywhere (almost) by bicycle. By day he ferrets out public fraud. On Thursdays, on his bike ride up to work, he hands out hot, fresh, New York bagels to the homeless. The Grells are now in Pompano Beach for medical reasons.
- Michelle Kaseler is a software engineer by trade, but can be whatever she wants to be when she reads and writes. She enjoys funky shoes, hot sauces, and long runs. Her short fiction has also been published by Flame Tree, Daily Science Fiction, and Stop by to learn more.
- Ville Meriläinen is a Finnish author of fantasy and horror fiction. His previously published short fiction is collected at and his novels "30 Rounds of Silver" and "Ghost Notes" will be available through Amazon over the summer.
- Cover Art by Mat Yan