Professor Feiff's Compleat Pocket Guide to Xenobiology for the Galactic Traveller on the Move
- Johannes Svensson lives in Gothenburg, Sweden with his wife, daughter and cat. He was created from stardust at the beginning of time and will cease to exist shortly after the heat death of the universe.
This information is designed to make him feel approachable enough to be liked by a wide audience, but not approachable enough for that audience to actually approach him if they should happen to see him about town.
- Holly Schofield travels through time at the rate of one second per second, oscillating between the alternate realities of city and country life. Her speculative fiction has appeared in many publications including Analog, Lightspeed, and Escape Pod, is used in university curricula, and has been translated into multiple languages. She hopes to save the world through science fiction and homegrown heritage tomatoes. Find her at
- Geoff Hart (he/him) works as a scientific editor, specializing in helping scientists who have English as their second language publish their research. He also writes fiction in his spare time, and has sold 54 stories thus far. Visit him online at
- Eve Morton lives in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada with her partner and two sons. She spends the days running after those boys and the nights brainstorming her next creative project. At some point, she writes things down, usually while drinking copious amounts of coffee. Find updates at
- Davin Ireland recently returned to the south of England after spending three decades in the Dutch city of Utrecht. His fiction credits include stories published in over seventy print magazines, webzines and anthologies worldwide, including Aeon, Underworlds, The Horror Express, Zahir, Pseudopod, Rogue Worlds, Storyteller Magazine and Something Wicked. You can visit his site at
- Tim Kane loves things that creep and crawl. His first published book is non-fiction, The Changing Vampire of Film and Television, tracing the history of vampires in television and movies. Most recently published stories appear in Lovecraftia, Navigating Ruins and Dark Moon Digest. Find out more at
- Becca Edney is a fantasy writer who loves cats and Lord of the Rings. She was born in Virginia but now lives near Cambridge, juggling law with writing and trying to control an increasingly-unruly garden. She self-published her first novel Bladedancer’s Heirs in 2015 (sequel currently in Editing Hell) and can also be found on her blog at
- Alan Meyrowitz retired in 2005 after a career in computer research. His writing has appeared in Eclectica, Existere, Front Range Review, Jitter, The Literary Hatchet, Lucid Rhythms, The Nassau Review, Poetry Quarterly, Shark Reef, Shroud, The Storyteller, and others. In 2013 and 2015 the Science Fiction Poetry Association nominated his poems for a Dwarf Star Award.
- Jonathon Mast lives in the US with his wife and an insanity of children. (A group of children is called an insanity. Trust me.) You can find him at
- Brenda Anderson's fiction has appeared in various places, including Flash Fiction Online and Daily Science Fiction. She lives in Adelaide, South Australia and tweets irregularly @CinnamonShops. Her interests include reading, writing and watching movies.
- Ian Creasey lives in Yorkshire, England. He has written numerous short stories, several of which have been reprinted in Year's Best SF anthologies. A collection of his science fiction stories, The Shapes of Strangers, was published in 2019 by NewCon Press. For more information, visit his website at
- Jeannie Marschall is a teacher from the green centre of Germany who also writes stories, time permitting. She enjoys long walks with her dog and cat, foraging, and tending her semi-sentient vegetable garden while inventing tall tales with her partner, or huddling around the fire in their witches hut for the same purpose. Jeannie mostly writes SciFi and all kinds of colourful Fantasy stories as well as the odd poem. She has a few short pieces lined up for publication this year, for example with Black Spot Books, The Banshee Journal, and QueerWelten magazine. Longer works are in the pipeline. Find her on Twitter: @JunkerMarschall
- Lisa Timpf is a retired HR and communications professional who lives in Simcoe, Ontario, Canada. Her poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, and book reviews have appeared in New Myths, Star*Line, Thema, and other venues. Lisa speculative haibun collection, In Days to Come, is available from Hiraeth Publishing. You can find out more about Lisa's writing at
- Andy Dibble is a writer and healthcare IT consultant based in Madison, Wisconsin. He's supported the electronic medical records of large healthcare systems in six countries. His fiction has appeared in Writers of the Future, Sci Phi Journal, and Space & Time. He is Articles Editor for Speculative North.
- Geoff Hart (he/him) works as a scientific editor, specializing in helping scientists who have English as their second language publish their research. He’s the author of the popular Effective Onscreen Editing and Write Faster With Your Word Processor. He also writes fiction in his spare time, and has sold 54 stories thus far. Visit him online at
- Born in Ukraine and currently residing in California, Elana Gomel is an academic with a long list of books and articles, specializing in science fiction, Victorian literature, and serial killers. She is also an award- winning fiction writer and the author of more than a hundred short stories, several novellas, and four novels. Her latest fiction publications are Little Sister, a historical horror novella, and Black House, a dark fantasy novel. She is a member of HWA and can be found at and social media.
- Gustavo Bondoni is a novelist and short story writer with over three hundred stories published in fifteen countries, in seven languages. He is a member of Codex and an Active Member of SFWA. His latest science fiction novel is Splinter (2021), a sequel to his 2017 novel Outside. He has also published four monster books: Ice Station: Death (2019), Jungle Lab Terror (2020), Test Site Horror (2020) and Lost Island Rampage (2021), two other science fiction novels: Incursion (2017) and Siege (2016) and an ebook novella entitled Branch.
- Damon L. Wakes was born in 1991 and began to write a few years later. He holds an MA in Creative and Critical Writing from the University of Winchester and a BA in English Literature from the University of Reading. He is the author of over 300 works of short fiction and upwards of one novel.
- Michelle Muenzler is an author of the weird and sometimes poet who writes things both dark and strange to counterbalance the sweetness of her baking. Her short fiction and poetry can be read in numerous magazines. Check out for links to the rest of her work (and her convention cookie recipes!).
- B.J. Thrower has 37 sf/f/df/h short fiction sales. Previously published in Asimov’s, her latest sales include a YA, light h short story to Conspiracies & Cryptids by, and a h flash fiction piece to Halloween at Black Hare Press. She has a s&s novelette upcoming in Weirdbook \#49. She lives in Tulsa, OK, with her husband, the "mysterious" R.
- When not writing, Chris Daruns works as a paramedic in Denver. He keeps the insanity at bay by rock climbing, playing guitar, and spending time with his wife and daughters. Sometimes he can be found at school (when not closed due to pandemics) furthering his education in medicine. His stories have been published in Dark Futures, The Copperfield Review, Obscura, Alcyone, and Infernal Ink. His collection of horror stories, "We Were Always Monsters" can be found on Amazon.
- James Rumpel is a retired high school math teacher who has enjoyed spending some of his free time trying to turn the odd ideas circling his brain into stories. He lives in Wisconsin with his wonderful wife, Mary.
- Sara loves bird watching, iced tea, and finding out what happens at the end of a really good story. She
lives in Los Angeles with her husband and 12 year old twins.
- Mike Morgan was born in London, but not in any of the interesting parts. He moved to Japan at the age of 30 and lived there for many years. Nowadays, he's based in Iowa, and enjoys family life with his wife and two young children. If you like his writing, be sure to follow him on Twitter where he goes by @CultTVMike or check out his website,
- Jennifer lives in New York State with her partner and an agent of chaos (her dog) and works in animal conservation. In the past, she taught English in Korea and taught in Indonesia while serving in the Peace Corps. She has also worked with small nonprofits in Asia and the US. More info can be found on her website:
- John M. Floyd's work has appeared in more than 350 different publications, including Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine, Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine, The Saturday Evening Post, Best American Mystery Stories (2015, 2018, and 2020), Best Mystery Stories of the Year 2021, and Best Crime Stories of the Year 2021. A former Air Force captain and IBM systems engineer, John is an Edgar finalist, a 2021 Shamus Award winner, a five-time Derringer Award winner, a three-time Pushcart Prize nominee, and the author of nine books. He is also the 2018 recipient of the Short Mystery Fiction Society Lifetime Achievement Award.
- Sarah Cline lives in San Diego, California, where she works as a writer and freelance editor. She has Masters degrees in English Literature, as well as Library and Information Science. Her writing has appeared in Grim & Gilded, and in The Maine Review and Whetstone: Amateur Magazine of Sword and Sorcery under pseudonyms. Read more of her work and learn about upcoming projects at:
- M. Stern is an author of speculative fiction and weird horror whose stories have appeared in publications such as Weirdbook Magazine, Cosmic Horror Monthly, Startling Stories, and a number of themed anthologies. For news on the latest creeping, crawling creations from M. Stern's imagination, visit Follow on Facebook at
- Mike teaches and writes in upstate New York. Links to more of his published work can be found here:
- Simon Kewin is a fantasy and sci/fi writer, author of the Cloven Land fantasy trilogy, cyberpunk thriller The Genehunter, steampunk Gormenghast saga Engn, the Triple Stars sci/fi trilogy and the Office of the Witchfinder General books, published by Elsewhen Press. He's the author of several short story collections, with his shorter fiction appearing in Analog, Nature and over a hundred other magazines. His novel Dead Star was an SPSFC award semi-finalist and his short story \#buttonsinweirdplaces was nominated for a Utopia award. He is currently doing an MA in creative writing while writing at least three novels simultaneously.
- Robert works as a software engineer by day, and writes by night, with his stories having appeared in PodCastle, Stupefying Stories, On Spec, and others. An ex-pat Englishman, he now lives with his wife in Nevada, where their cats Mochi Luna and Teddy Logan do all they can to disrupt the tranquility of their lives. You can chat with him on Twitter at @RobertLWilkins.
- Mike Adamson holds a Doctoral degree from Flinders University of South Australia. After early aspirations in art and writing, Mike returned to study and secured qualifications in marine biology and archaeology. Mike has been a university educator since 2006, is a passionate photographer, master-level hobbyist and journalist for international magazines. Visit his website at
- Cover Art by Jessica Augustsson using images from\_der\_Natur>