- Abby Phelan is a 27 year old student of the arts from the Emerald Isle of Ireland. Having been introduced to speculative fiction at a tender age, she has a long-standing love affair with the fantastic, the alien and the Other, and firmly believes in the ability of fiction to broaden the horizons and introduce us to new worlds and new ideas. The mind may voyage well past the body's constraints, and Abby has found writing as good an outlet for those journeys as any, and perhaps a better one than most.
- Boel Bermann (Stockholm, Sweden,1979) is a born storyteller with a background as a reporter for
several large newspapers in Sweden. On top of that she is a member of the Swedish writers'
collective, Fear, which blogs and produces a podcast of science-fiction, fantasy and horror short stories. Boel Bermann's debut novel The New Children, set in the near future, was published in Sweden in Fall 2013. She has also contributed to several short story collections, including the English anthology "Waiting for the machines to fall asleep".
Besides writing, Boel works at a games company and she has previously studied journalism, criminology, social science, film science and social anthropology at Stockholm University.
She always closes her wardrobe before she falls asleep to stop the monsters from crawling out.
Webpage: www.boelbermann.se |
Twitter: @BoelBermann |
Facebook: /boelbermannauthor |
Instagram: @boelbermann
- Brandon Nolta is a writer, editor, and professional curmudgeon living in the transportation-challenged wilds of north Idaho. After earning an MFA, he went slightly mad. Nothing much happened with that, so he gave it up and started working for respectable companies again, which he still does when he's not pounding away at the keyboard to the sweet strains of Miles Davis and the occasional burst of EDM. His fiction and poetry have appeared in Stupefying Stories, The Pedestal Magazine, Every Day Fiction, Perihelion, Strong Verse, and a cacophony of other publications. Iron and Smoke, which will be published by Montag Press in 2014, is his first novel; he has yet to admit to a second.
- Johannes Toivo Svensson has been making up stories for almost as long as he has been reading them. His mind is drawn to the odd and strange and he has a love for things that shake our perceptions of the world. Alongside his day-job, as application support in an office, he free-lances as a literary consultant (which is like a consulting detective in almost no ways at all). He lives in Sweden with his wife and their two cats, at least one of which he suspects to be plotting against him.
- Kimber Camacho lives in California and has been married to the same wonderfully talented partner for a surprising number of years. She's been making up stories most of her life; from crayons on construction paper to word processing programs. A voracious reader, Kimber also enjoys a wide variety of music, and has dabbled in other artistic endeavors like drawing and sculpting. She regularly participates in writing-oriented AO3, Dreamwidth, LiveJournal, and Tumblr communities.
- Lennart Augustsson has a day job involving an obscure programming language called Haskell. He is a great admirer of Asimov's very short stories.
He lives with his wife and cat in London and Sweden.
- Lynn Townsend is a geek, a dreamer and an inveterate punster. When not reading, writing, or editing, she can usually be found drinking coffee or killing video game villains. Lynn's interests include geek comedy music, romance novels, octopuses, and movies with more FX than plot. She lives in southeast Virginia with her dark overlord husband and a zombie-killing child. Her home is protected by lightsabers.
- Narrelle M. Harris writes crime, horror, fantasy, romance and erotica. Her books and novellas include Fly By Night, Showtime, Witch Honour and Witch Faith, Melbourne-based vampire books The Opposite of Life and Walking Shadows and an upcoming Holmes/Watson romance, The Adventure of the Colonial Boy (2016).Find out more at www.mortalwords.com.au.
- Melissa Swanepoel lives in Austin, TX and has trouble writing 3-4 sentence bios about herself. She much prefers stringing together less realistic sentences about people that do not exist. Melissa lives with too many plants and sounds regrettably foreign no matter where she goes.
- Susanne Hülsmann – In her early teens, Susanne's father supplied her with science fiction novels, and her mother gave her a mechanical typewriter on which she bashed out her first stories. It should not surprise that she grew up to be a writer of speculative fiction. Having been dubbed the "wandering dictionary" by her English teacher, she decided to study the language and switched to English for both reading and writing. Susanne is an unashamed and unapologetic geek of many stripes, a lover of words and all things fantastic, and an anglophile who now happily resides in the UK.
- Tim Koch is the author of I Town, a novel about a society that walks on treadwheels to generate electricity. He lives in Fayetteville, Arkansas, where he writes speculative fiction for young adults and new adults and enjoys architectural drafting, computer graphics and web design.
- Tom Lindahl is a friendly chap from Sweden, who indulges in occasional writing sprees—be it role-playing scenarios, technical software manuals, or short stories like this. When not writing or playing all kinds of games, he is mostly preoccupied with his wife, three children, cat and robotic lawn mower.