The Chorochronos Archives
- In her early teens, Susanne Hülsmann's father supplied her with science fiction novels, and her mother gave her a mechanical typewriter on which she bashed out her first stories. It should not surprise that she grew up to be a writer of speculative fiction. Having been dubbed the "wandering dictionary" by her English teacher, she decided to study the language and switched to English for both reading and writing. Susanne is an unashamed and unapologetic geek of many stripes, a lover of words and all things fantastic, and an Anglophile who now happily resides in the UK.
- Mike Adamson holds a Doctoral degree from Flinders University of South Australia. After early aspirations in art and writing, Mike returned to study and secured qualifications in marine biology and archaeology. Mike has been a university educator since 2006, is a passionate photographer, master-level hobbyist and journalist for international magazines. Visit his website at
- Maureen Bowden is a Liverpudlian living with her musician husband in Wales. She has had 139 stories and poems accepted by paying markets, she was nominated for the 2015 Pushcart Prize, and in 2019 Alban Lake published an anthology of her stories, "Whispers of Magic", available from Hiraeth Books. She loves her family and friends, rock 'n' roll, Shakespeare and cats.
- James Blakey lives in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley where he writes mostly full-time. His story "The Bicycle Thief" won a Derringer Award in 2019. When not writing, James can be found on the hiking trail or the bike path. Visit his website at
- Bill Hackenberger's many years working in data security have given him a view from the front passenger seat as we collide with accelerating technology. Along the way, he decided it would be fun to write stories that anticipate these future technological fender benders. Drawn to tales where technology propels us into the next blind curve, he frequently writes about artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and robots run amuck. Find his published short stories online or in printed anthologies; others wait on his hard drive, gradually gaining sentience and developing their plans to take down the Internet. So, visit while you still can.
- R.C. Kjellstrand is a middle-aged queer lesbian living in southern Sweden. She makes her living as a designer and editor of a handful of small press magazines about fiber arts and physics. Her writing has previously been published in several Swedish magazines, but "Snapshots" is her first publication in English.
- David Rogers curates the Facebook pages Antique Rockets and David Watches Movies. He lives in the US near Mammoth Cave, Kentucky. Emergency Exits, his collection of short fiction, is available from Amazon. More at
- Dawn Vogel's academic background is in history, so it's not surprising that much of her fiction is set in earlier times. Her steampunk series, Brass and Glass, is available from DefCon One Publishing. She lives in Seattle with her husband, author Jeremy Zimmerman, and their herd of cats. Visit her:
- Gareth D. Jones is unofficially the second most widely translated science fiction short story author in the world, having been published in 30 languages. He is a father of five, two of whom are also published authors. He lives in the UK where he fuels his writing with copious amounts of tea.
- Lisa Timpf is a retired HR and communications professional who lives in Simcoe, Ontario. Her speculative fiction has appeared in New Myths, Third Flatiron, Bards and Sages Quarterly, From a Cat's View, and other venues. Her speculative fiction/romance novelette, To Push Back the Darkness, was released by JMS Books LLC in March, 2021. You can learn more about Lisa's writing at
- Matt McHugh was born in suburban Pennsylvania, attended LaSalle University in Philadelphia, and after a few years as a Manhattanite, currently calls New Jersey home. Website:
- Sandra Bond (London, UK) is a science fiction fan and reader of long standing. When not writing fiction or music, or confined to quarters, she works in the brewing trade. Her debut novel THE PSYCHOPATH CLUB (The Canal Press, 2021) has just been published.
- As well as writing fiction, Arlen Feldman is a software engineer, entrepreneur, maker, and computer book author—useful if you are in the market for some industrial-strength door stops. Some recent stories of his appear in Metaphorosis, Ink Stains, The Literary Hatchet, and the anthology Transcendent, with several more coming out soon. His website is
- Annie Percik lives in London, where she writes novels and short stories, whilst working as a University Complaints Officer. She writes a blog about writing on her website (, which is where all her current publications are listed, including her debut fantasy novel, The Defiant Spark ( She also makes a media review podcast with her husband, Dave (, and publishes a photo-story blog, recording the adventures of her teddy bear ( He is much more popular online than she is.
- Liam Hogan is an award winning short story writer, with stories in Best of British Science Fiction 2016 & 2019, and Best of British Fantasy 2018 (NewCon Press). He's been published by Analog, Daily Science Fiction, and Flame Tree Press, among others. He helps host Liars' League London, volunteers at the creative writing charity Ministry of Stories, and lives and avoids work in London. More details at
- Jessica Augustsson is a speculative fiction copy editor, grammar nerd, eclipse chaser, part-time writer, and a bit of a geek. As a spec-fic copy editor, most of her writing can be found nestled among the words of other authors, but she can't help typing out a few of her own stories now and then. As for spec fic in her own life, she was voted by her Idaho high school class to be the most likely to go live on the moon; when she was 20, she moved to Sweden so she guesses that's pretty close.
- Robert Runté is Senior Editor with and was formerly Senior Editor for Five Rivers Publishing, a small Canadian press, for which he acquired and edited 30 books, primarily science fiction and fantasy. A former professor, he has won three Aurora Awards for his literary criticism. His own fiction has been published in over thirty venues and four of his short stories have been reprinted in "best of" collections, most recently Canadian Shorts II.
- Stella B. James is a Southern girl who appreciates strong coffee and losing herself in fantastical daydreams. She has published several short stories with various publications, and is currently querying her first novel. You can find out more about her and read short stories on her website:
- Paulene Turner is an Australian writer of short stories, short plays and novels. A former journalist, she's currently writing a YA series involving time travel. Her short stories have been featured in anthologies and magazines in the US, UK and Australia. She lives in Sydney with her husband, twin daughters and twin pugs.
- Geoff Hart (he/him) works as a scientific editor, specializing in helping scientists who have English as their second language publish their research. He also writes fiction in his spare time, and has sold 33 stories thus far. Visit him online at
- A.P. Howell lives with her spouse and two kids. She holds degrees in history, but a lamentably small percentage of her job roles have been related to the subject. Her short fiction has appeared in Daily Science Fiction, Little Blue Marble, Translunar Travelers Lounge, Community of Magic Pens, and The NoSleep Podcast. She sometimes tweets @APHowell and her website can be found at
- Robert Bagnall was born in Bedford, England, in 1970 and now lives in Devon, between Dartmoor and the English Channel. He is the author of the novel "2084 – the Meschera Bandwidth" and the anthology "24 0s & a 2", which collects two dozen of his thirty-plus published stories. Find them via his Amazon author page. He can be contacted via his blog at
- Becca Edney is a fantasy writer who loves Lord of the Rings and medieval history. She was born in Virginia but now lives near Cambridge, juggling law with writing and trying to control an increasingly-unruly garden. She self-published her first novel Bladedancer's Heirs in 2015 (sequel currently in Editing Hell) and can also be found on her blog at
- Stewart C. Baker is an academic librarian and author of speculative fiction and poetry, along with the occasional piece of interactive fiction. His fiction has appeared in Nature, Galaxy's Edge, and Flash Fiction Online, among other places. Stewart was born in England, has lived in South Carolina, Japan, and California (in that order), and now calls Oregon home with his family—although if anyone asks, he'll usually say he's from the Internet where you can find him at
- Dale Stromberg grew up not far from Sacramento before moving to Tokyo, where he had a brief music career. Now he lives near Kuala Lumpur and makes ends meet as an editor and translator. His work has been published here and there.
- Gustavo Bondoni is novelist and short story writer with over three hundred stories published in fifteen countries, in seven languages. His latest novel is Test Site Horror (2020). His website is at
- Michael Baez Arroyo lives in a tiny apartment with an even tinier desk. He is currently teaching at the University of Puerto Rico Secondary School, while finishing his EdD in Curriculum and Teaching in TESOL. In addition to his teaching credentials, Michael Baez was Editor-in-Chief at Vaunt Zine, and he has published in Corpus Litterarum, Inter Metro Newspaper, Flores Nuevas Poetry Anthology, Leading Edge Magazine, Tonguas, Rigorous Magazine, among others.
- Matthew Spence was born in Cleveland, Ohio. His work has appeared in the following publications:
- Evan A. Davis is an emerging author with an overactive imagination, which explains how he got here and why you're reading this—which is great. Fiction being his first love, he's written everything from bone-chilling horror to science fiction misadventures, bellyaching humor to thrilling fantasy, and every colorful dot in between.
He's gotten lost in Europe, been a 6'4" street acrobat, has technically transported explosives internationally, has DJ-ed a wedding or two, and now lives happily in Northern California scribbling about wonderful what-ifs.
His work can be found with Third Flatiron Publishing, the NIGHTLIGHT podcast, Bards and Sages Publishing, The Common Tongue Magazine, and others; plus a blog he occasionally updates over at
- Wendy Nikel is a speculative fiction author with a degree in elementary education, a fondness for road trips, and a terrible habit of forgetting where she's left her cup of tea. Her short fiction has been published by Analog, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Nature, and elsewhere. Her time travel novella series, beginning with The Continuum, is available from World Weaver Press. For more info, visit
- Louis Evans is a science fiction writer living and working in NYC. His work has been published in Nature: Futures, Analog Science Fiction and Fact, Interzone, and elsewhere. He is a member of SFWA and of the Clarion West class of the plague year. His website is and he tweets @louisevanswrite. On certain quiet mornings he can almost remember that better, kinder world.
- Nathaniel Lee lives in Oregon with his family. He puts words in various orders. Afterwards, people sometimes give him money. No one knows why. You can read more of his writing at
- James Rumpel has always enjoyed thinking up weird story ideas. Since he retired from teaching two years ago, he's found even greater enjoyment in trying to turn those ideas into actual stories. He lives in Wisconsin, USA with his wonderful and mostly understanding wife, Mary.
- Martin Lochman is a Czech science fiction and speculative fiction author, currently living and working as a University librarian in Malta. His flash fiction and short stories appeared (or are forthcoming) in a variety of venues, including Kzine, 4 Star Stories, Theme of Absence, Asymmetry Fiction, The Weird and Whatnot, XB-1 (Czech SFFH magazine) and others. You can find him at: or twitter: @MartinLochman.
- Christopher R. Muscato is a writer and adjunct history professor from Colorado, USA. He was the 2017 High Plains Library District's writer in residence and had published over a dozen short stories.
- David Wright is a writer and teacher living on Canada's majestic west coast. He has a lovely wife, two sparkling daughters and more than 50 published short stories. His work has appeared in dozens of magazines including Neo-opsis, Martian Wave and Over My Dead Body! For more info about David, check out his website at:
- Lennart Augustsson, complex, obfuscated, functional.
- Cover Artist, Little Hippie Mama –